I have found myself almost afraid of venturing on here after our virus scare. We came so close to losing all our pictures (I was in tears...no scrapbooker wants to hear those words) & the aggravation of feeling completely lost has had me questioning my blog & the use of our computer. Any little click you make could put you in danger. Opening any forwards from friends, who may have a virus, and not know it. Using a hard drive to back your pictures up can also be a liability....because IF you have a virus.. you can also back up that lovely little germ. Not to mention the cost. Did I mention the virus we had actually made pig squeals and had women screaming out of the speaker? OHHH YES IT DID! This thing seemed to be possessed and had a mind of its own. Where did we get it? Who knows...just being on here is its own liability. I am not trying to scare anyone....JUST SAYING.
Sooo whats a girl to do? Well....take a deep breath and move on. Keep the chin up and hope for the best. Adding some mega anti-virus protection doesn't hurt. Also knowing most people do not mean harm..and are decent and well intentioned helps. I will just be more careful of deleting my cookies and temp files etc. more often. So this girl got back into her paper groove and got a few things that have been creeping around her head created. I made two Summer banners...one that was for a customer and the other is one I hope to sell in Etsy. I love this new pennant design...I added old milk cap logos to it and the papers are so cheerful and have a great vintage quality to them. There are cherries and a flour logo, reminscent of days gone by. I also made a sweet "he loves me, loves me not" art piece to put in my etsy store. If anyone is interested email me at cjubilee@q.com . I hope to get a few more pieces made and put them in my store. I am very slow. Other than that a few finds from the thrift store round out my post for the day. Found some lovely white ironstone type pieces and a french type basket that I am officially in love with. The little recipe card holder I plan to redo. What a shock...I know. Hopefully I will not be too shy and get back to my normal posting. I love to share and to visit all of you. Which I need to do right about now...so goodbye! Cherry
Oh my goodness...all of your projects are precious!
sandy toe
Love 'em both! Especially the little red check sweetie. Glad to hear your computer got up and running!
The summer banner is so adorable! We just had a computer person work on our desktop. Thank goodness he works with my husband and we were able to trade his time for a home cooked meal :) I don't want to know what that would have cost!
I feel your pain. We had a virus a few months back and our computer had to be completely wiped clean. We have so many different protective programs on it now that it seems to slow the computer down.
Your art projects are beautiful as always!! I'm amazed.
All your projects are amazing!
I think your virus scare sounds horrible!
Thanks for the warning about the virus... yuck! I am going to delete my cookies tonight. Your summer banner is wonderful... I just love it! The red chair that is holding the plate is such a cute idea. thanks for sharing,
I just sat here reading your virus story and it almost made me sick in the stomach. Do you have any idea how that happens? I cannot imagine what all you went through. Is it difficult to come back to blogging? What a sad situation. But, I must say it certainly did not affect your creativity level...your new projects are so beautiful.
What a lovely banner for summer! Did you make it?
oh how scary...it seems like computer viruses are spreading like the stomach flu...every one is getting them!
i love all your new creations...you do amazing work!
Your banner and your little children picture are both just ADORABLE!!! I always LOVE seeing your projects and pretties around your home. Just beautiful!
Just popped in to invite you to join in my birthday giveaway! Spread the news!
OK, you've made me nervous. I'm so clueless about computer stuff. Love all your projects. As usual, everything is adorable. Mimi
Love your new projects and the pics to go along with them are such a treat to see!
About the computer virus~ I had a breakdown when we thought we lost all of our pics to one last winter, too, but a dear friend's hubby was able to retrieve our photos and built us a new computer. Phew! This technology stuff is so scary and pretty foreign to me as well so I feel ya girl!
xo Les
Each and every one of your projects are inspiring! They make me want to scrapbook again!
LOVE your Summer banners. Yipee, Summer's almost here!
So sorry to hear about your virus scare. Thanks for the heads-up!
Take care!
That's gorgeous!
So sorry about the virus. They can be so scary!
So glad that stinkin virus didn't scare you off. I would miss you and all of your creativity. Beautiful pics as usual.
I just wandered over here from Mary Lou's (House of Whimsey) blog. What a delightful blog you have! I've just spent the past 45 minutes reading and drooling. I love to make banners, too. Yours are beautiful! I can't fgure out the link to your Etsy store? Am I missing something?
So sorry about the virus. I am so clueless when it comes to computers. I am not sure mine is protected well. I will have to get my hubby and kids on it. Thanks for the warning. I absolutely love the summer banner!
Leigh Ann
I love that penant banner as well, so cute! That ironstone is to die for, just a beautiful piece!
I'm sorry to hear about your virus. You are reminding me that I really need to get my pictures printed and onto a disk. If we lose them, I like to at least have the printed photos for myscrapbooks and photo albums.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Love your work - and I know it's scary about the viruses, and I'm soo glad you decided to fight them and post anyway! You work is not only eye candy to us all but an inspiration as well! Keep up the great work and have a wonderful week-end :-)
Your work is SO amazing. I love everything about your page. Your blog name, your pretty layout, and your AMAZING crafts! Wow. Hope your weekend is wonderful!
Your summer banner is darling! That little pine cone plate and creamer would look really cute above the cabinets in my log home...you found that in a thrift shop? I am going to have to take a closer look when I go to those places...~Cindy~
Hi Cherrie~ Love all your new projects, just pefect...i can't wait for summer! sorry about your virus, it is a good reminder for us all not to trust all the links we get and to delete our cookies often! Have a wonderful weekend!
I am just so in LOVE with that banner!! It is so pretty! All of your items are beautiful though :)! I have always been nervous about photos on the computer, so we also keep them on the memory card, and just buy new memory cards as they get full. It's our little safety measure! Glad that you'll be posting more now! :)
Oh you are good! That's all I have to say :)
What a scary virus! Oh my word. I just scratch my head at the guys who make that sort of nonsense.
Your banner is wonderful! And what a way to signify the changing seasons.
Cherry, What lovely banners.You can't hide talent. I love the loves me , loves me not. If its not already sold I would love to have it. I will email you too. Computer viruses are terrible things, aren't they?
Cherry, so sorry about the computer virus! I love the red and white picture you did of the boy and girl-very cute!
Oh so sorry to hear about your virus!
That kinda sucks!!
I love your banners. Your have such a gift! I'm going to check out your etsy shop!
Cherry, you have outdone yourself again!!
I lvoe hte Summer banner! I am checking out some of your links too! Thanks for posting so many to check out! I love blogging. I confess, I have become addicted. :)
Do you use a Cricut to cut out your banner shapes? Love your work! When are we going to see a book from you? Thanks!
I love the vintage look to all of your projects. Where did you get the keys dangling from the red project?
You make the absolute" most cutest" things ever!
Come join my Mother's Day contest, tell your friends about it.
Love your blog, I'm following now.
TTFN ~ Marydon
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