Like usual...Here are some willy nilly NOT in order photos...from around the house. Whatever struck my fancy. I was playing around with the camara today. I wanted to share one of my new pieces for my etsy store "You ought to be in pictures".....love that fab roaring 20's gal! I added some neat old buttons, rhinestones, an old earring, and stick pin. I will be adding a few things today over at my etsy store if you care to take a gander. Mother's Day is coming up!
Awhile back sweet Becky of http://sweetcottagedreams.blogspot.com/ and I did a fun swap with each other. She made me the sweetest pennant banner EVER and a heart sachet that smells devine, it even has a cherry charm on it! She also spoiled me with a wonderful old birdy (I collect these type) and a wee little Russian nesting doll keychain. She also threw in candy (all gone) and buttons!!!!!! I had the banner in my craft room...where I was NOT giving it any justice....this room is a mess at the moment...I won't even try to explain that one. Sooo I moved it in here to my white hutch...where it sassed the joint up a bit. Can I just say Becky is a very talented seamstress...I know many of you know that... but she really can rock the sewing machine! Thanks again Missssssss. Becky!
I wanted to show my old milk cap collection I now have an on going love affair with. A new silouette I found awhile ago thrifting, new plate, new silverware.....ALL thrifted of course. I nestled some clock faces in a flower frog and put them in my tart pan cloche combo! I found the purse this weekend at a garage sale for a 1.00. The white hen had been my husband's grandmother's...I folded some towels and put it in the old hen. I just love to add these little details to things...hope you enjoy them too! Well that is about it....for now. XOXO, Cherry
Great post! Isn't it fun to see how simple little things look when they are close up! I love your heart sachet and that banner is beautiful!
Thanks for sharing...I love anything red...
Stay Cozy, Carrie
Great photos. So much fun just playing around with the camera
how very cheery cherry!!! you have a great eye for photography...i love the clocks in the frog under the cloche and the milk lids in the bowl...
that becky!!!! to know her is to love her. she is the bestest gal!!
have a great night.
That black and white plate is to DIE for! Love it!!!
Love it all...like usual!!
Love that blinged out flapper! Your photos always resonate with me, just my style. Pam
What great vintage things you have! Love the milk glass!
I always love it when you post pictures of your home.....so pretty! Thanks for emailing to check on me.....just busy! I am getting ready to start the kitchen redo! Thanks for your ongoing support and inspiration.....I am going to need it!
What a fun post. I love all your various items throughout your home. It like a window to your soul. Thanks for sharing.
Really cool stuff. Your home looks like a happy place.
Hi Cherry
I have enjoyed catching up with your blog today. Your pictutres are beautiful. I especially like the red and white banner and the heart ornament. I love your milk cap collection too - we don't have those over here.
Thanks for for your comment on my blog. You MUST go to Discovery Cove. It was our favorite day. You can see lots more about it on my other blog but I need your e-mail to invite you to view it. If you leave me a comment with your e-mail I will not publish it when I moderate my comments. I have lots more to share over the coming weeks. I hope you have a wonderful time in August too.
Best Wishes
I love everything you featured. My grandmother use to have one of those little "ladies" with about 10 in there that you open then it comes down to a little teeny pea like lady...I loved it as a child.
sandy toe
Well good morning to you!! I saw that you had come by and was soooo happy, ever since we got our new computer I have not been able to find you, I typed in your blog name but someone elses came up,no matter what I did,anyway...I love seeing all your photos,they inspire me everytime I do,hope this finds you well,and I WILL BE BACK!!! Chrissy
Such gorgeous photos, as usual! Loving all the colors.
You just have a way of creating amazing photo ops. I will look at your "willy nilly" photos anytime. This is another beautiful post. My favorite...the roaring 20's gal piece that you put together. What a work of art! And, the red heart from Becky. You know what, I think they were all my favorites. Thank you.
OUUUUU Cherry I love your willy-nilly pictures!
Way too fun!
You have me drooling over the cherry banner and that sweet red heart!
I also love the simpleness of the cherries on the towel....too cute!
AND I am jealous...... your blog background is perfect!
You always make me smile when I come to visit!
Hugz & Blessings,
aka >> from my cherry heart
I love everything in this post.
Hi Sweetie! As usual, your vignettes and artwork inspire me so much! Can you just drive down and help me with my house? Tee hee.
Everything you make is just precious! Thank you for sharing!!
love ya,
PS: To get the tips of the pennants to uncurl, give them some steam and set a heavy book on them for a few minutes. xx
Love the clock parts in the cloche. Great idea and lovely photos of all!
I love looking at all your pictures! Of course, your great floral frogs caught my eye. :)
So many things to love... That cherry red and white banner is GREAT...
You take the most beautiful photos!! Can you give me a lesson!!! LOL
Did you see the new line from the scrapbook company, Doodlebug? It's called Cherry's Jubilee! How fun. :)
Great post and pics.
Hi - Ceekay here. Can you email me at lencar@cox.net. I have a question for you...thanks
Love the banner from Becky and the heart is so cute! I've been meaning to make one and just never have been able to sit still long enough to do it!
Can you bottle and package just alittle bit of your brilliant creativity for me!?!?!?!? You rock girlfriend!
goodness who would give away that bag, what a score! for a buck, yeehaw!
oh and I LOVE that bunting, I am so so trying to get my act together and make some, only taken me about a year!
Gosh there are some many things to look at. That blue and white polka-dot caught my eye in your new creation. I also love that pennent you must have made. The little fresh lemonade sign gives me a good feels and what cute cute milk tops you have...that's a fun collection. I love it all!
Dear Cherry,
I have a few little things that I would love to mail to you. May I have your mailing address? I have an email listed on my blog. Thank you. :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
Love when you post pics like these! I am waiting for just some of your creativity to rub off on me so I can create the masterpieces you do!
I love seeing fun photos like this! The pennant is adorable! Lots of great cherries too! :)
I LOVE the black and white silhouette. It reminds me of the cameos I saw in Italy! ;)
I love the way you've just featured bits and pieces-your photos are so artistic, and your home looks so "happy"! laurie
Thank you for stopping by. I was going to step away from blogging due to some personal issues with a "friend" but couldn't bear to be away from all of my blogging friends.You are such an amazing talent...I have to check out your goodies everyday! Great photos!
I always love your pictures, Cherry! :) I love the framed silhouette~ that is a great find! The banner is beautiful~ I have some of that cherry fabric but had never thought of using it in a banner! I love the colors of the fabrics she used in it. :) Everything is gorgeous at your home! Both you and your friend are very talented! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)
Great post, I love all the pics!! Thanks for sharing!
I love this post! I have quite a few old metal frogs that I like to put pictures on too!
Cute, very cute :)
So creative! I especially love the clock faces and your sweet doggy nestled in the flower frogs. :)
Visiting your blog is such a TREAT! I LOVE everything! You make me want to redecorate and add RED!
If you ever want to do a swap, just let me know!:) Lori
Beautiful! It's been too long since I have paid you a bloggy visit.
Beautiful photos!
Cherry.....I am missing you! I need a Cherry post of beautiful things!!!!!!!
That Cherry Banner is to die for of course! ooxx`jodi
ahh. just found your blog. luvin on it so much!
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