That sums up how I felt last week about my life! Last week I got the most recent issue of "ARTFUL BLOGGING".....as I am sure you have surmised..this gal (ME, insert MAJAAAAAAAAAr giddiness) has been published! This hick from the sticks! This ever so regular gal actually got to write an article and have several of her photos from here shared in this wonderful magazine. Six whole wonderful delicious pages. I am a little ecstatic...bare with me. So that is my big "cat out of the bag" ......it was sooo hard keeping my flapper tight....but she is out! I hope you will share in my sweet, silly, happy moment. To celebrate it...I want to do a give-away...but I WANT you all to tell me what you want! Give me some ideas gals! PLEASE do not be shy.....lurkers...COME FORTH. This is an equal opportunity give-away! Of course we are not talking store bought....something home made by me. I will give you all a week to comment on what you would like to win. If you have never checked this mag out...go to your nearest Barnes and Noble, Michaels, etc...it is too die for gorgeous.... There are several bloggers in this issue I am sure you are familiar with.... I will leave you with a few new items/images I have added to etsy....maybe it is something you would like to win......:) Thanks for letting me share my sweet blog buddies! XOXO, Cherry

Congratulations! I'm very happy for you!
And how sweet of you to share your happiness by spreading it around with a give away!
Good luck to everybody!
I love all your new creations!
All the best,
Wow, Cheri, congratulations! How exciting for you! As to your give away, how very generous of you! Everything you make is so wonderful. I would be thrilled with any of your beautiful creations!
Congrats! Congrats! I can't wait to go to Barnes and Noble tomorrow! I love all your beautiful treasures but I've got my eye on that sweet little trinket box.:)
Ooohhh my freakin gosh!!! YAY!!! You are so deserving of such an honour!! Your work is amazing and it's about time that everyone found out!! I could not pick one of your treasures, you could send any piece my way and I would be thrilled!! I am off to pick up a copy first thing in the morning!!
Congratulations my friend..great job!
Hugs xOxO, Nerina :)
How absolutely AWESOME! I'm doing a Happy Dance for you! Congrats!
Well, I must tell you, sugar, that you have some of the best photos I've ever seen. I might have to practice more and buy the current Artful Blogging tomorrow. All the photos are stunning and "artfully arranged and shot"!! Squeeeeeeal......I'm jealous, honey.........
Nuuuuu. I'm truly thrilled for ya,sweetpea..........
A very heartfelt congratulations!
I am sure you are still on cloud 9!
I'm not sure I could possibly choose just one thing that I would love. All of your creations are just beautiful. I love to see all the special touches you put into each one.
Congrats again!
Congrats Cherry, that is soooo exciting.. I think you should give a copy of the magazine away for your giveaway! Though I don't think I'll be able to stop myself from buying a copy as soon as possible! This is very exciting news!
Whoooo Hoooo Cherry is published!
AWESOME!! CONGRATS!!!!!!! thats sooooo exciting - happy for you!!
Id like to win a banner....my bff loves those and I wanna surprise her with one !! Halloween- 4th of July whatever...
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I am going to run out and buy a copy tomorrow, Sweets! I am SO excited for you!!! Yippeee!!! ANYTHING you create would be a treasure to win.:) Lori
Well it's about time! You SO deserve to be published. Barnes and Noble here I come. That is so amazing that you got to write the article. We're all cheering for you! : )
If I had to choose a giveaway, it would be one of your Oh-So-Delighful-Banners!
Oh, Cheri I just love your cute personality! You are so blessed with your talent!! You deserve to be featured! I think all of your cherry items you make are the best! I just love cherries and you always make them so unique!! I would love to own one of them!! Take care, Fran.
Congratulations! I am so happy for you! You are most deserving of being in print. You are a true artist! Enjoy your moment in the spotlight, I'm sure it won't be your last.
Congratulations!!!!! I'll be buying my magazine tomorrow.
I love all of your wonderful handmade items. I am lucky enough to own two of them!!!!
I would really love to have one of your boxes with a tissue flower on it. Saw one on your blog last month. It was divine!!!!
Congratulations !!! Way cool my bloggin friend. I would love to win anything with..... why.... Cherries of course! ;o) LOL ooxx`jod
Oh wow, congratulations! I'd love anything you pick :)
Congratulations. That is so awesome. You have a beautiful blog and you are so talented.
I would like the green frame with the crown or something similar.
Oh my goodness! I would die over anything you made!!
I can't wait to pick up the issue! Yayyyyy for you :)
Congratulations! I'm very happy for you, and I think you deserved it - your artful and beautiful creations sure make me happy every time I see them!
Cheri I am so excited and happy for you! I am going to have to run by B&N today!!!
I absolutely love all of your creations!!
WOOHOO Cherry CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! You are now a star and I am so excited for you! I love your banners and since I don't have one yet I think that would be a great giveaway! I'll be sure to get my magazine today!
Congratulations. I am not surprised at all. Your work is gorgeous.
How awesome I can't wait to get to the city to check out the magazine, and how nice of you to shareyour happiness with a give away. I love your blog all your stuff is so wonderful, but my favorite is the brier rose plaque.
Congratulations!!! I absolutely LOVE Artful Blogging...it's one of the MOST beautiful magazines out there! As for the give-away...I give you my first born for one of your creations!!!
Congratulations! Everything you make is so beautiful that I'd say you definitely deserve to be published. That really is a major accomplishment. :)
I am so happy for you! You...without a doubt deserve to be in that magazine. Every piece you do is so unique and so artistic. I can't wait to buy that magazine and see all of the pages of "you". I can't choose which item I would like to win, because I like them all. You are generous is sharing this giveaway, and whoever wins is fortunate. Again, congratulations to you!!!
Congratulations Cherry!!! How exciting :)
I would love to win anything at all!
Congratulations Cherry! This honor is well deserved. You are so generous with your blog and we all thank you for that! Enjoy this!
Smiles ~ Ramona
What a great honor to have your lovely work featured in Artful Blogging- congratulations! Couldn't have gone to a nicer- or more talented- blogger :-)
yippee cherry!!! congrats to you...that would be a tough one to stay quiet about ;)
if i could have anything made by you i would pick that cake stand you made. that is one of the cutest creations i've ever seen.
have a wonderful day!!
with a cherry on top...
Oh Cherry! What an incredible experience. Hooray! You are published. I am so happy for you! Congratulations my friend!!!
This is amazing! Good for you ..and you and your blog deserve this. I've been visiting daily (I'm a quiet one) and I love what you show, what your create and how you share. Way to go!
Congratulations! I have a dream to be published in Artful Blogging! You deserve it, your blog is wonderful, your photos are gorgeous and you are very creative!
Love your new creations. And Congrats! How exciting that you are published! Wow! I can't wait to see it! I am so excited for you!!!!!!
That is no surprise to me! I love your blog! Can't wait to see your feature! I'll bet your were bursting to tell all lol. Karen
OMG! I didn't even know that magazine even existed. I cannot wait to go and find it... Congratulations on being published. As far as your creations I would be honored to have any one of them... They are all so wonderful. Have a great day my friend!
Congratulations! I only recently discovered your blog and I just love it. I guess I'm a lurker...No blog of my own. I like to nose around and "borrow" those wonderful ideas you talented people come up with. I enjoy sharing in your life.
Give-a-way...You are so generous. My idea ~ ANYTHING CHERRY.
Thanks for all you do. I'm going out to buy that magazine. Can't wait.
The Library Lady
"Take surprise and delight in the little things"
Congratulations on getting published!
Congrats Mrs. Cherrylicious! That's AWESOME! I need to run to Barnes and Noble and check it out!
Congratulations! You really inspire creativity and I enjoy your blog!! I'll have to check out the article on my next outing to Michael's. I really adore the "Custom Listing to Erin", although all your creations are wonderful! Enjoy the giddy feeling!!
Oh, my goodness! Congrats on being published. I don't live near a Barnes and Noble, but my daughter does, and I'm going to call and ask her to send me one - today! I'm not going to be shy here - I would LOVE to win a NEST banner/garland. I've been coveting them wherever I see them :)
CHERRY GIRL, I am wildly excited for you. This is wonderful...I have to go out and buy it...usually just peruse it but not this time my little cherry friend. Did you do a happy dance? What does hubby think? This just makes my day to think you got to do something, create, decorate, have pictures taken and published! Woohoo for you. I am just beyond happy for you!
Big hugs and big dancing for you...ok maybe even on the table!
How generous of you to share. I love all of you new items, especially the green scallop freame with the crown. I loooooove your banners. I really loved your fourth of July banner and HERO piece. I would love and thing you were willing to part with. Thanks so much and Congrats.
Congrats!! Much, much deserved! I'll need to go out and get this magazine now, I never heard of it! I've been eyeing up your birdie creation for a while now. If I had the chance, I would try and win that for sure!
Congrats again on your article, so happy for you!
congratulations!!! you deserve it! your decorating, photography, and blog are all so amazing!
congrats! thats awesome!
Congratulations, Cherry!! That is awesome!! I love everything you make, but I am thinking some Fally, cause I am in the FALL mood!!
Wow! Wow! Congratulations! I love that magazine! It's always so fun to pick it up and say I "know" such and such and now I can say that about you!! How exciting! I can't wait to get and see your pages!
Congratulations, how exciting
Count me in for your giveaway. All of your creations are gorgeous so it wouldn't matter which one was the gift
WHOLLY COW, how excited am I to have stumbled upon your incredible blog tonight! And while you're offering a giveaway too! I'm smitten already! Guess you now have another loyal follower. But to be featured in my FAVORITE magazine....well, you are definitely the cat's meow in my book now. Sincere Congratulations!!
Woohoo congrats to you Cherry! Love the pics!
Cherry, I am like a proud Mama right now. You deserve it. I am going to read it right now. I haven't had a chance to even flip thru it. As far as your giveaway, I could never narrow down what i would love to win from you. You know how much I love your wonderful creations, so if I was lucky enough to win It would be a pleasure for you to choose for me.
I must run and read your article. Way to go creative lady! You have a wonderful day and bask in your glory of being published.
Love Ya!'
Jean in Virginia
Congrats, what a great honor! keep up the good work! :)
WHOA!!! CONGRATS, my dear one. This is grrrrreat news..So happy for you and you deserve to be excited. Any one would be!!
Ok, now, IF I should win your fabulous and generous giveaway, I want that polka dot box in your first photo. Well, anything really but especially with polka dots. Well, anything really, that YOU made would thrill me.
Congratulations again!!
Congrats on being published! That's awesome. I think everything I've see in your etsy shop is wonderful. I love the way you layer patterns and different design pieces. We'll be lucky no matter what you choose to give away.
Congratulations! I am so envious! It is awesome to be published! Very exciting! I would love to win any of your hand made art plaques -- I love all the vintage goodness in each of them!
Congratulations, I am not one bit surprised that you were debuted. You are a very gifted individual and I can't wait to get a copy.
Wow - I won't be shy - I've drooled over so many of your creations, but your Christmas stars, "up on the housetop tiles", cones with birdies - those are my absolute favorites.
Any of your work would be wonderful to win!
Congratulations! Wow! I'm visiting the blog of a celeb, but you were already a celeb in my book! I love everything you create, and to win anything you created would be thrilling. How kind of you to let us share in your excitement. laurie
Oh Congrats! I knew it had to happen sooner or later! Your blog is such an inspiration. I can't wait to see the layout.
As far as a give away.... hummmm ....
Just about anything that you make is desirable! :)
g'day lovely cherry
just popping over to say I received my magazine this afternoon and just sat and read your article with a cup of tea...loved it!
feels strange to be in the same magazine as you, errrm feels strange to be in a magazine lol
anyway CONGRATS!
Congrats! I found your lovely blog through Counting your Blessing snad the new Artful Blogging sight. Just love your blog and your creative style.
Congratulations!!! I will have to find some time to check it out. I am sure it's the first of many to come.
How sweet of you to share your joy with others, anything would be a delight!
Tha's so awesome! I will have to put it on my list of things to find when I go to town (fellow sticks dweller) I love your blog and have been a long time lurker! May this be the start of something big!
Oh how exciting you must be so proud of yourself what an accomplishment!! Enjoy your moment of fame and I hope you have lots more of them to come(; Now about the giveaway, I am not picky I would like to win anything you make so put my name in for the giveaway please!!
Wow - that's wonderful and well deserved news! I have heard of this magazine but have never read it. Now I have an excellent reason to buy a copy.
I would love to be in your give-a-away but I could never tell you what to create. I do love your banners and signs. I wish you would share how you make them and show some step by step photos. Your creations are so lovely.
Teacup Lady (Sandy)
Congratulations. I would be thrilled with any of your creations. I dont know whethr overseas visitors are eligible
but everything is marvellous.
Congratulations Cheri!!!
How wonderful to be considered. I didn't know there were even magazines to help us along this journey of sharing! I must make a trip to the store,
As for your giveaway I would be honored to receive anything your talented hands create! :-)
Yes, I have been a lurker in the past because I have read you on many friends and also on my daughters blog!
Can you email me? I want to ask you a question..
Hi from sunny California!
Okay girl-I must say, I am soooo incredibly surprised that the majority of your readers want *you* to choose a gift for them, rather than requesting a special item. Do you even realize *what* that means??!! It means that all of your work is so incredibly beautiful, that anything received by you would be the perfect gift. Wow! How many artists can *you* say that about? I was blown away by that, and I hope you were, too! :) So, on being published-WAY TO GO! Now... how will you step up on that stone towards greater abundance and prosperity?? There are many ways...which have you chosen, dear Cherry? Is it time to become the best-selling business woman we all know you can be?? Live the life of glue and paper and financial security all together? I hope so! I hope you have at least contacted your local paper so they can let your community know what a treasure they have lurking right in their own backyard!
Everytime I see your precious creations and magnificent eye, I have *all sorts* of creative ideas for you to prosper! (You can email me if you like). You are on your way! I too, have not heard of the magazine, and will definitely now look for you in it. Congratulations!
Giveaway?? Hmmmm....I would LOVE my very own, shabby, chippy, handmade-by-Cherry custom 'cake' stand of my very own. Luscious!! Keep the momentum up and flowing, and best of luck to you,
Holisticgal Jen
Cherry, I cannot think of anyone more deserving of being featured in that magazine. My dear, anything that you make would sure to be absolutely stunning & I'd be honored to own it.
Congratulations! How exciting! My goodness, you must be thrilled.
Your creations really are beautiful. I love the fact that you're doing a giveaway to celebrate this success. I think we're all cheering for you. Give me a C! Give me an H! Give me an E! Well, you get the picture. Way to go!!
Cherry! You're famous! You go girl! Everything you do is so fabulous. Any of it would be a wonderful giveaway. Mimi
Oh Congrats Sweet Cherry! You deserve it girlfriend - you are so incredibly gifted - in talent, in sharing, in inspiring - good for you! We are all so happy for you! Cathy
Congratulations!you are so creative and you do beautiful work. what a GREAT GIVEAWAY!
Congratulations on being a part of Artful Bloggers magazine. You are a perfect choice. Your blog is always delicious eye candy with a lot of funny thrown in! Anything of yours would be a treat. I love anything with, well, cherries of course!
A S.O. (standing ovation) for you Cherry!
How lovely for you...and so kind to celebrate with everyone too! Keep up the wonderful creating!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
That is SOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Congrat's and I will go find a copy.
The giveaway sounds Great!! Thanks for having one!!
Enjoy your weekend.
Deb :)
Congrats! Fun~tastic place you have here!
You go girl.... congratulations!! I would be excited too. You have so many lovely things that it would be hard to pick just one.
Happy Sunday!
There is not anything that I wouldn't want to win from your giveaway. You are so talented and creative and make such beautiful things.
Congrats on being published. That is so exciting. I'm sure you are doing a happy dance!
I love that cherry tag!! So cute! Congratulations on the magazine spread too!
Congrats on your publishing credits. Well deserved! Your blog always brightens my day!
Congratulations sweet girl!
You are so deserving - I am really proud of you - you inspire me every time I visit!!
I've been away for awhile & I'm just now seeing this! Congratulations to you - you so deserve it - you're blog is beautiful! :)
Hi Cherry
Congratulations on being featured. I would have loved to read the article about you but we do not have that magazine in England. You are so kind having a giveaway. I would love anything you make as I love everything you show your blog.
Hi Cherry-
I just picked up the magazine at Barnes and Noble today....I am so new to blogging and so busy working, I didn't even know it existed until I read this post the other day.
I'm so glad I did because it's really a beautiful publication and so current for todays "blogging world".
Cherry, your article is wonderful...I enjoyed it so much and your photos are so appealing and well done...they really capture your style.
I'm so glad that I found your blog and your etsy...thank you so much for letting me in on the magazine! You did such a great job:)
x Lori
Well, I have not been over here to check you out in a while and lookit at you! :D Congrats girl, way to go. I just had the same thing happen to me (diff mag) but it is giddy stuff huh? I'm gonna be goofy stupid for the next few days. And your Etsy shop looks amazing btw. Wicked cute stuff! Congrats again on the mag, well deserved indeed! :D
yapping cat
Huge congrats Cheri!!!! I must get into civilization and get me a copy!
I am busting at the seams soooooo happy for you! And I always love everything that you make, so whatever your little giving heart desires for a giveaway will be fine by me.
Off to get my copy of Artful Blogging now!
love you,
Congratulation!!!! I'm very happy for you, and I think you deserved it - your artful and beautiful creations sure make me happy ...thanks
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