Hello there Summer dwellers.....I thought I would show you a sweet surprise from Ms. Debbie from http://ribbonwoodcottage.blogspot.com/ she won my last give-away and was so kind and sent me something back! Of course there are CHERRIES...too cute. Had fun playing with them on my table with my rooster. I do believe she made the tablerunner! Thank-you soooo much Debbie girl! I LOVE them all! I also thought I would share the few items I got from the "lady down the street"....sounds like a paper back novel from the 70's doesn't it? I could have bought MANY items from her but I was good ....GOOD for me that is. Since I was purging my house...I felt it ironic that I was adding more things to the fold. SOOO I was selective. I LOVE The little table....6.00....it will get a redo here shortly...to white....it fits perfectly next to my wicker chair in the bedroom. I adore old tablecloths...and around here they can be VERY spendy in the antique stores...so 3.00 made me shout with glee...(in my head that is) when I saw this one in such good shape. I got three of the same plates....25 cents...since they have some chips...But it adds character to this girls way of thinking. AND another old flower frog....because you can't just stop with one, or two, or three....and for 25 cents I am not gonna break the bank. AND I have found the most PERFECT BLUE chair....do you see her.....way up there......I don't have to do a thing to her....she is a perfect faded chippy blue....she is glorious in her chippiness.... 4.00 big smackaroos for that perfect blue. Then the last wee pic there....is a wee aqua fan......it is a mini blue fan that matches my BIG blue fan.....3.00....a wee price for a wee fan. I think the heat is getting to me....because the heat is a wee bit high.....ok enough already. Well those were my finds.....I wanted to let you all know PLEASE oh please come back on Monday...I have a BIG to me announcement to make and would love to share it with you all! In honor of it....I will be doing a give-away so....you will want to come back for it! This weekend we are off to go camping for a few days...so I will be back on Monday! Have a wonderful Summer weekend all! XoXo, Cherry
love love love the blue chair and the fan!!!! you really scored big.
how exciting. have fun camping~that is what i am doing this weekend as well.
I love it all! Great bargains! But I'm really coveting that blue chair!
I love the table linens!
Wow, you had an amazing day!
What wonderful finds! You find the best stuff! Looking forward to the big announcement!
Oh Cherry I love all the goodies you got... And the tablerunner was so darn cute... The fan was the BIG hit for me... so retro! Have fun camping and don't worry I'll be here on Monday... Have Fun!!!
Hey there,
I "JUST" posted on my blog about you Miss Wonderful! Thank you again Cherry for the great gifts you sent me! I adore them!
Hi Cherry
I enjoyed seeing all your wonderful new treasures. The cherries table runner and the rooster are gorgeous. I hope you have a great weekend camping. I look forward to your announcement on Monday. I will definately be back.
Thanks for your comment. We did not drive to the beach we went on an organised day trip there on a bus/coach. Have you mananged to get on my private blog yet? I posted a link on there to the company that we booked through. They do many trips all over Florida which may be of interest to you. Please let me know if you have not gained access yet, I entered the e-mail you gave me so you should be able to view now.
$3 for all those tablecloths, woot woot you scored baby!!!!
the blue chair is to die for white or not...
love love love thrifting
those are some sweet finds. you spent your money so wise. I am so excited to hear what you have to say on monday!have a great time camping.
Oh wow! What fabulous finds and what a special gift to receive from another blogger!
I am looking forward to hearing your good news! :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne
Wonderful finds. I just love a great sale. Nothing wrong with adding while purging as long as you add what you love and purge the items that have served there usefulness and need a good home, right? You are tagged for a photo game/ no obligation, only if you want, Pam
What a darling rooster! Love your yard sale finds, too. I haven't gone to one so far this summer...always something else to be done!
I always enjoy my visits to your blog...you are so talented with your crafting and your pictures are such eye candy!
That is the most glorious rooster! Did YOU paint the cherries on him? No wonder he is struttin' his stuff!
Love your annoucements and your give-aways, so I am excited for Monday. The rooster is perfect for your decor. What great garage sale finds...I would have been thrilled to purchase those finds. I look forward to seeing the wooden table when it is white. Have fun camping this weekend!
Oh I love that chair and the basket sitting on it looks so pretty! I love those little plates too :)
Look at all your great finds! Even when you are paring down, there are some things you just can't pass up! I especially love the fan, we've been looking for a bigger one like that. They are pricey though, great price on yours! Love the rooster too. Can't wait to see the table after its makeover. Have a super fun weekend Cherry!
I love all your sweet finds!!Have a great weekend(;
Fun, fun, fun. Great goodies! I love the runner and the fan too. Your work is so lovely. Great "dry" weather is in store for you weekend....have a great time!
Smiles ~ Ramona
Beautiful finds ! Me and my sis found a chippy farmhouse table w/drop leaves and a great old dresser by the side of the road last night. So exciting.
I need to take my Hunter (he's 12) camping. He'd love that. Have fun.
Cherry, what wonderful treasures. The rooster is so, so nice. Hope you have a wonderful trip and get some rest. You deserve it. I can't wait until Monday.
Love Ya!,
jean in virginia
I love everything! Especially that gorgeous blue chair and the linens! I think the key is being selective and buying things you really love and know you can use - you did good!
Love the Table!! ... and the price would make me so ridiculously giddy! People would wonder what's wrong with me...I would have to say I got bitten by the bargain bug!
I just redid a little bookcase and chairs, I will post soon. Can't wait to see how your table turns out!!!
Cute stuff as always! Totally love that rooster!
Love all of your finds!!
Debbie is just the sweetest!!!! LOVE all of your garage sale goodies! Wonderful bargains!
You got some awesome finds, Cherry!! I felt a little Cherrylicious this weekend myself while out garage saling. You'll have to come check them out. Oh, and I posted about a Halloween swap that is going on...since you always wonder how I know about so many. Oh, it would be so fun to be partnered up with you!!
Have a great trip!! That picture with your little man is so cute!!
Love all your finds!!! The retro fan is awesome...
(And I am asuming the picture at the side is your son? What a cutie pie!)
Hope your summer is fantastic!
You really did find some great bargains! How could you NOT buy these beauties at those prices? laurie
You found some great things! I love visiting your blog and seeing what you're up to, and I love the colors of the things you find, if that makes sense. It seems homey! Karen
Great finds! That table runner from Debbie is wonderful!
Some great things. Love the wee fan. I have never seen an old fan at a sale of any kind. I'm missing out.
The plates are great---chips and all. Someone in my family had plates like that, but I don't remember who.
Great finds. Always love your pictures.
Good morning Cherry Girl! How sweet...love all your goodies you got. You sure seem to find the little treasures hidden thither and yon! I can't wait to see how you will display and use them! I find myself looking at cherry stuff now all the time! hahaha I wonder why!
Have a wonderful blessed week!
OMG what great finds! Sounds like you hit the mother of all sales!
Hi Cherry :)
Loving it all, especially that fan!
Have a great time camping :)
I want that rooster and tablecloth and napkins....Wanna sell?..Love it all...What fun!!
What is it about your photos that I love so much,they just seem to jump off the page!!! Great post,as always,take care..Chrissy
Hi Cherry,
I have SUCH a weakness for vintage fans. I too, own several. And the blue chair...to die for!
I answered your question over in your Etsy convo.
Hope you had a lovely campout!
Wish I could have been with you yard saling. Jackie
I just realized that I don't think that I commented on this entry...how could that be??? Such bargains!!! I can't decide which I love the best. Possibly the fan??? But, its all fabulous. I want to shop the yard sales in YOUR neighborhood!!!
That rooster is so cute! I want it in my house!!! All the things you found are great. How fun! - Ann
The book, the clock, tha lamp, the fan...PERFECTION! Love, love, love this little vignette. Especially that fan!
p.s. Big huge congrats on being published. That is so awesome!
I'm just cracking up! (in my head, that is!) I have the same pink pagoda tablecloth, the same plates with the brown landscape scenes, and the same little blue fan! Hilarious! But, great stuff! and lovely blog!
Really you done fantastic job!!!Cute stuff as always!!!love the colors of chairs..you have great talent..
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