What the Award is About...
"This Blog invests and believes the Proximity- nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming...these kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self- aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!" I want to extend this to all the people that I come in contact with daily! All your friendships mean sooo much! Thank-you to you both for thinking of me with this award!
"This Blog invests and believes the Proximity- nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming...these kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self- aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!" I want to extend this to all the people that I come in contact with daily! All your friendships mean sooo much! Thank-you to you both for thinking of me with this award!
On a different note I wanted to share a new to me blog with you all. Some of you may have already gone to visit her ..but for those who have not ..I wanted to share. I am giddy that I found this fab chick! Just like you and me she loves to stretch her dollar. Her house is charming and well down right adorable. Anyone with ironstone pitchers and pom pom fringed curtains..are alright in my book. OHHH and check her kitchen redo. We all love to find new inspiration..and she fits the bill..........go visit...Mom of three at http://fromhousetocozyhome.blogspot.com/ let her know you visited! Well that is all for me tonight. I got a couple of things up my sleeve..hopefully to share in the next few days. I am off to watch "Guess who's coming to dinner" with my son....introducing the next generation to the good stuff! Hugs, cherry
Congratulations on your award! I am off to check out the new blog....
Thought you would get a kick out of these!!
Ok-You asked me about great places to eat at or by Disney...
I do not have ANY good food places there!!!
Since this trip was all about the kids, we didn't force them to spend time in nice resturants. (Bad for me, but Mc D's was much cheaper.)
The food at Disney wasn't much better... fries, burgers, chicken nuggets...I am fast fooded out!
Sorry, I don't have good ideas-maybe someone else has better ideas.
Congrats on your award! Thanks for the new blog to check out. Can't wait!
Thanks for sharing the new blog site. And Congrats!!! on the award.
Kathy :)
Cherry, thank you for visiting my blog. Congrats on your new award!
Hi Cherry! First off, congrats on your award! You certainly are deserving.
Second, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you writing about me on your blog. You are so sweet and it was very kind of you to introduce your readers to me. I plan on going and visiting every one of them. I'm so thrilled to have found your blog, it's so fun to find people who also like to spend time decorating and being creative. I'm new to the blogging world and loving it. :)
Thanks again!
Congrats on your award!!
I will check out that new blog..how fun to visit!
-sandy toe
Congrats on your award...I am always up for a great new blog! Thanks!
Going to check out this blogger now! And I LOVE the makeovers in the last post, especially that frame!! Oh, my! :) It's so pretty!
Hi Cherry,
Congratulations on the award. I've sent you a separate email on Disney...let me know if it helps. We're going before you this year,so I'll keep my eyes open for more info too.
Congrats on your award!! I love my daily fix of cherry'sjubilee. Checked out the new blog...what a sweet little house...so much character. I would love for you to check out my blog. I talk about my sweet kids.....well a lot on my blog but I also love to decorate my home. Come check out my home on my blog:)
Ms. Cherry,
Congratulations on your award.. I've missed some of your posts.. love that milk glass!!
It's me again, sorry to bug you. I just realized your comment you sent me on my blog was a no reply, so I'm sure if you received my email about Disney that I sent back to you. If you want me to forward it to you somewhere else let me know.
Awards are so fun! YEA for your awards!!! I am off to visit the blog you just wrote about... I am still searching for flower frogs!hee hee thanks again...
I'm back just to tell you that her blog was too cute.. loved her shelf over her window! Great idea!
Cherry, thank you for all of your kind words, you are such a sweet soul! Hugs to you, Paula
Congrats...now off to see your new fav. :)
Congratulations on the award. I'm here so often I thought surely I had already commented. Love the new blog discovery. I have been returning over and over because I am positively geekin' over your hutch and Valentine photos. Absolutely cutie patootie. Pam
Sounds like a great blog. Will go check it out when I get a minute! :-)
Just stopping by to say hi and let you know how much I enjoy your blog. Your decorating style is beautiful!
Such pretty white dishes -I need to go check out her blog :)
Hi Cherry,
I think you should be fine coming to Fla. in June. Humidity is a given here for sure! I live about
1 1/2 hours from Disney World and the Atlantic.
Feel free to ask me anything else you might want to know.
:) Tracey
Congrats! I have a new blog and added you to my list of inspirations... hope you don't mind!
Congratulations on your award.
I am starting something new, Friendly Fridays, and thought you might be interested.
Kindredly, Lynne Laura
Congrats on the award! I am going to check out that new blog now!
Congrats on your award! :)
I enjoyed your posts below on your projects! They are all amazing and pretty! And I really loved the "Valentines Decor" post! Your milk glass pieces were fabulous! I have been collecting some also!
Thank you so much for your prayers for my family last week! We really appreciated them! :0 ~hugs, Rhonda
Thanks for the new introduction - I recently discovered your blog and have been incredible inspired.
Hope you have a great weekend!!
If you get a chance, stop by my blog. I need some recipes for my digital scrapbook if you'd like to participate.
Have A Great Weekend! Kathy :)
Congrats on your award. You have another one from me. Visit my blog to pick it up.
Congrats on the award!
I've got a dilemma and I'm asking/pleading/begging everyone for help...
Any blog you like I am going to check out, thanks!!
Thanks for being such a wonderful Blogger, there is an award waiting for you on my blog!
Congratulations Dear Cherry!!
You deserve it, and again, I'm sooooo glad you are a part of Blogland!!!
Isn't it funny that we get so excited to receive little cyber pictures from total strangers? I love to get them. I feel so special, so popular-almost like saying-you like me, you really like me! I love all of your creations and I love the red and white polka dot. Be still my heart! :) I am excited to go and look at a new blog-more ideas-can't wait. I need to create something so bad it's killing me!!
Thanks for the inspiration! Have a fantastic day!
Congrats on the award and I'll be sure to check out her blog!
Ctrats on the award. You deserve it. Debbie
Hi Cherry~
Congratulations on the award! I will be sure to check out the new blog you mentioned! It sounds wonderful! :)
Have a great night! :)
Thank you for finding this! It's a wonderful blog!!
Hello. I have some awards for you at my blog.
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