Remember this table from the weekend? She was a sad lonely ole wallflower...If you look there closely.. she had an ugly linoleum that I pried off along with a nice particle board that took some prying as well....UCK! I discovered a great old worn top to her. I went over her with some black bleeepppp (sorry Joy) paint and sanded the heck out of her to show some of the old color and now she has a lovely little black dress on! There is my new little twig basket on the second shelf...I put some of my G. Grandmother's old books in it. Love her little legs..she likes to show off her legs....

Here she is before I dressed her up with knick knacks.

Oh and there is the bee skein...

sorry so many pics...this table ain't shy anymore...oh there's the stamps I got...put them in an old jar. Mr. Black Bird stands watch over them. Oh look he spelled out something for us...oh yes Mr. Black bird we know you are a B-I-R-D.

This is the other cabinet I got...I brought it home last night. I LOVE the old worn out white....Keeping it this way. I could never duplicate this in a million years....now the inside is still the original wood. I will give her a good scrub to get the grub off. What do you think I should do to the inside? Cover with paper maybe? Paint it a complimentary color? Let me know what you think. I could have screamed with delight when she told me what she wanted for it. She didn't want to take anything less than 12.00. GULP.. 12.00. yep you read it right...12.00. I told her...."ummm yeah I think I can do that"..in my most steady nonchalant voice. This puppy is old....looks like an old depression cabinet. Has 4 shelves that go with it. Def. handmade and quite hefty and sturdy.
I am thinking a tassel would look good right about here..on the little hardware knob...what do you think?

Found a home for two of the plates with an old shoe form. 

Sorry I had to start merchandising...I found this old needlepoint w/ a black background and it was stretched out to much to do anything with it so I cut it down and framed it. Some keys in an old salt dip.

sorry so many pics...this table ain't shy anymore...oh there's the stamps I got...put them in an old jar. Mr. Black Bird stands watch over them. Oh look he spelled out something for us...oh yes Mr. Black bird we know you are a B-I-R-D.

Sorry I had to start merchandising...I found this old needlepoint w/ a black background and it was stretched out to much to do anything with it so I cut it down and framed it. Some keys in an old salt dip.

I am really wishing I had some old quilts...I have one of my grandmothers and that is it. Hmmmmm. maybe a new collection will start. I really think the inside needs to brighten up a bit to make things pop more. Please let me know what you think! I just love giving things a new lease on life! Happy Tuesday all, cherry
Awesome transformation! I love the black table!
Wow! I love love LOVE the little table! It's so cute now, all spiffed up in new black paint! And I think all of your decorating is both sweet and unique.
About the inside of the white cabinet~ what about a nice color of paint inside, another color you like or one that is in other parts of your house? That way you could always change it if you wanted to down the road! Anyway, that's just my thought!
Have a great night! :)
Hi Cherry!
That table turned about perfect! Your really have a talent for accessorizing. I love how you filled up the baskets.
I didn't like the whole Renessme/Jacob relationship either. Otherwise I liked how it ended. Everything is how it should be.
Brandee :-)
Wow i love that little table and the cabinet is such a fab find! And for 12 bucks! Love it love it love it!
Rachel Berry
i am love love loveing your finds! absolutely!!! i would love to see a wreath hanging from that hutch!!! YUM! thank you for stopping by my blog!
Hi Cherry,
You have such a knack for putting vignettes together....they are always just PERFECT!!!!!
The table is gorgeous with its' new black coat and that cabinet for $12.00 OMG!!! I do think some quilts would look lovely in there and yes, a tassel would be perfect on the knob. I am in love with tassels.
I always look forward to your posts as you find, paint and arrange the bestest stuff....lol
I just love your blog - would you please come decorate my house?! I love to antique, and collect a lot of things, but I am afraid to do much until my kids get bigger... At the moment we have crayon on the walls and fingerprints for frames!
that table is so sweet...what a bargain on the cupboard! you lucky girl..maybe you should just leave the inside natural for now...it looked good once you filled it with your treasures...
ooh I love it, it is gorgeous, I'm not sure on the inside, I quite like it when the inside is still wood, maybe use scrapbook paper on the back of just the shelves as seen on Nester's blog, easy and cheap! can't believe you got it for such a great price, I would have been doing the thrifters dance lol
on your question about my photos, errr, I don't have a lense, I use a really old point and shoot, it's like 5 mega pixels, sooo sooo not fancy schmancy, the focus only works periodically so I have to hope for the best to see if it's in foccus or not, ha ha
love your blog, so nice to see what real people do with their thrift finds, just love bringing home a haul and i got a real good one, like you did this week
happy blogging
That table is just perfect. Everything looks so great and wow. $12!! That cabinet looks amazing.
A tassel would be sweet...or a wreth on the door, whatever suits you. You have such a great eye for such things.
I love the original wood's contrast but that is just me. What will you showcase inside? Depending what you show off, an color would be pretty too.
You do such lovely arrangements!
Cherry, I want to go shopping with you!!!! Great find!
About the inside of the cabinet. Now granted, I am a pirate, not a designer. I do not have an original bone in my body, or at least, I don't think so. But, that being said, when you asked the question, "what to do.. what color..." I had all these colors going thru my head. Then I wanted to ask you what color the room you are going to use the cabinet in ... Then I saw how you displayed the items in it and what you did with it. And I though. "Nothing." Not a thing. It looks perfect like it is.
If you did do something to it, take the shelves out, tack complimentary fabric to the back and reinstall the shelves.
Just my 2 cents. :-) Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Great transformation!!
You found an awesome cabinet! I cannot believe that was only $12!!
Oh, Cherry,
You did such a great job!!! I love it!!
Love the table and the cabinet. You did a great job transforming them!
Cherry , Oh how delightful - you really scored on your finds -- , all your acquisitions make me drool , the table is wonderful --I am so into black now -- you truly inspire with your vignettes (they tell the sweetest stories -- and cloches -- have some - havent,t placed them yet . The bird and stamps - oh priceless - I am a stampaholic --and have some old type , maybe will put in a jar too - my latest obsession -- I love your ideas - keep em, coming - Kathy _GA
You know you can take a train trip all along the Pacific Coast. Wouldn't that be a fun trip?
Everything looks fantastic, and 12.00 I would have gulped too. Why couldn't I find that. What about a bird egg blue inside the cabinet? The natural wood looks good too. I know you will make it look good. If you were closer, I'd have you shopping for me.
Gorgeous! Love the way you styled it, so warm and Vintage, so inviting. Beautiful job.
Hey cherry!
thanks for stopping by my blog. I love following people home...and look at all the inspiration I found here! You have such a knack for putting things together in wonderful groupings. The table turned out beautifully. I really like the idea of putting a vignette inside the basket...very clever!
I love it! A girl after my own heart!!!!
The table looks great with her new little black dress on:)
I want that cabinet! I can't believe that it was only $12... unbelievable!
Have a wonderful day!
Perfect black dress ;)
Wow. This post and the last left me with my jaw dropped. What AMAZING finds. I love those old stamps. Love them. I love the table, I LOVE the cabinet.
I vote for painting the inside.
Wow. Please come decorate my house, or at least shop with me and tell me what to buy :)
Oh my goodness...$12! I am floored! That cabinet is gorgeous and I love the inside the way it is, but that is just me. The black table is great, too! Beautiful transformation!
Your little black table looks so at home and loved. I love that black frame on top of it. It looks amazing. What a deal for the cabinet. I would not be able to contain my excitement. You payed it very cool with the seller.
P.S. Thank you so much for wanting to add me to your favorites list! I am honored (as goofy as that sounds...it is true!). :) :) This deserves two smiley faces!
Where do you find such cute things? I love it all, you really have such a great eye!
I just love the way it all turned out. So cute with the bird! The new chest cab looks great--What a find for $12!! Looks like it is cedar on the inside. Maybe put paper on the shelves but leave the natural cedar color. I'm sure once you fill it up with all your creative touch it will look wonderful. Oh, and one more idea I'll throw at you--what about hanging one of your pretty wreaths on the outside door. Hang it over the door with a ribbon.
The table turned out fabulous!
I used 2 greens on my fleur de lis. The first one was Making Memories evergreen and the second one was Folk Art Fresh Foliage.
the cabinet was $12.00? $12.00 whole dollars? The inside is absoulately beautiful! I think it would be super cute with little silver knobs. Then you could spruce it up and not ruin the oldness of it!
i think that paper would be cute-but a bright fun color might be fun and different!
Maybe yellow or a pretty green.
Love how the table turned out.
Come to think of it-I love it all! Love it all! Love it all!
I'm going to sneak in and steal your little stamps. I want stamps to spell bird!! And $12??!?!?!?? How did you keep from doing a happy dance right then and there?!
OH my ...$12...are you kidding? I want to go shopping with you!
LOVE the cupboard and the lil black table...wonderful wonderful! The rubber stamps look great displayed in the jar...you have a knack for creating the most charming vignettes!
Oh my....you have got to start collecting quilts! You can never put too many pictures on here ...for all us starving for MORE! I love looking at your tranformations....and ALL the goodies that go with it! Every detail is yummy!
Love the little black table...cute cabinet too! What finds!
What kind of Jou-jou do you have going on?? Drooling over that cabinet. If it were my cabinet, I would paint the sides and shelves, paper the back with a cottage-y print and line the shelves with lace. How do you like my 2 cents??
Elise AKA green eyed monster
Every thing looks great and I really like the black table and how you decorated the top..looks fabulous!
love, bj
Love your pictures your blog is so sweet I will be back!
Love how your table looks. I am going to have to visit you ...don't know how I've missed out on your blog! I like your projects.
Thanks for the visit!
OMG. TWELVE dollars for that cabinet?? I'm so jealous. :o) Great find for you! And your black table is too cute! It looks great and I really like how you decorated it.
Cherry, Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. You have such great taste in decorating. I love it. I could learn a lot from you. I'm sorry, but my blog has very limited posts on decorating. I am weak in that area. I will have a little more time this fall, as my kids will be in public school for the first time. I have always home schooled them. I don't know what it is like to have no children from 8am to 3pm. I think I will be sad at first. Maybe I will be okay, and because I am trusting God, they will be just fine. I will have more energy to love them and more excitement in decorating.
I'm glad to meet you Cherry. Kathi
THUD!!! That is my jaw dropping on the floor! First your little black table is just amazing. I love the transformation. And all of your accessories are PERFECT!
THEN!!! You go and show that amazing white cabinet you picked up for $12???~~~~~~!!!!! That is just amazing!
p.s. can I go shopping with you?
Love your treasures!! Now if only I could find a cabinet like that for $12 :)
Oh my gosh! You have got some very cool stuff going on there! The table looks great. All of those extras on it look sweet!
Hi Cherry,
Simply wonderful :) It's all good.!
and good deals at great prices.
Warmly, Deb :)
I love all your finds. You are one lucky lady to find that amazing cabinet. I'm sure the person you got it from had no idea how awesome it was. Oh and the black table looks amazing. Great transformation.
As for Breaking Dawn... I loved the book. The Jacob and Nessie thing freaked me out at the beginning, but you had to know there would be a weird twist or something. I actually thought, while reading the third book, that Bella would turn out to be a Werewolf or something since she could do so many weird things. It all ended and was packaged in a nice red bow.
Oh, I just absolutely love your style! Any chance you could come to my house and do some decorating for me?
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Whidbey Island is actually up in Washington. We took the ferry from Port Townsend. It was quite a little trek as we live in the Willamette Valley, but it sure was fun.
Can I just say that I love your style girl!!! How great is that 12 dollar cabinet. I love the inside just the way it is, but it would be fun to cover the shelves with a black and white print. I'd use wallpaper or mod podge on fabric like I did on my little table top. And you could cover the insets of the doors the same way. I'm posting a small cabinet tomorrow with wallpaper glued in the insets of the doors. Come look to see if you'd like it on your project.
Have a great vacation. I'll be looking forward to your post.
cherry my fabrics on the quilt were from the "wee play" collection by moda fabrics...
It is so satisfying and rewarding to take something old and battered and give it a new and vigorous life!!! Isn't that just the way we have been treated by God?
Thanks for dropping by my blog, I love your style ~ funky, ecclectic, comfortable, vintage, country yet oh so chic! You inspire me to get back to some of the projects I've been neglecting!
LOVE that table AND cabinet!! What a deal:)
I love what you did with the table! It looks awesome!
:0) Sharon
It all looks so great! I adore those little letters!! And they look perfect in that glass canister. The table looks like a totally different table!! Incredible transformation! I think the inside of the cabinet would be neat painted, or painted with decorative paper on the back. I saw a cabinet that had old newsprint on the back and I loved that look.
snhSo glad you found my blog, cuz I found yours! I love your style and those great finds are awesome! I'll be back to see what new things you've been up too! Have a great day!
I LOVE the table! I want one please! :)
Love ALL the pics!!!
I am SO glad you stopped by. You definitely have that something that turns wall flowers into treasures. Your transformations are amazing. I look forward to browsing around some more.
Hey, I wanted to let you know about my fauxing class...Come in over!
Amazing what a little paint can do!?!?! Your table turned out fabulous and looks great with all the accessories that have found a home on it! The white cabinet is great piece too...I'm sure you'll find some wonderful quilts for it!
wow! Fabulous finds and fabulous job on the table! I'd put paper inside the cabinet and maybe even on the shelves...you could change it out easily and not "ruin" the charm of the inside!
Ooooo what a beautiful blog! All of your art is wonderful! Very inspiring! I'm adding you to my google reader and will definatly be back!
Oh my word! Those are some great finds! The little table looks beautiful in black. Just perfect!
And that cabinet is to die for! I can't believe you only paid $12 for it! Fantastic!
I agree that the paint finish is perfect as-is. I wouldn't change it either. But I think painting the interior a complementary color would be so fun! Personally, I'm partial to a soft green or a soft blue. Have fun!
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