Saturday, August 9, 2008

Painting, puttering, and a little project.

As I start to write this I can hear sprinklers going....which to me is the epitome of Summer. I hear a few frogs mingled with the sound of water. I LOVE These sounds. I can't wait for the crickets to start chirping. While that might entail Summer coming to a close...I am sorry to see it go. It never stays long enough for me. Don't get me wrong I love to decorate for Fall and love the cool crisp mornings but there is something sad about Summer departing for another year. I like the feeling of knowing that I have no where to go, nothing planned...I can putter to my hearts content. NO constraints...except for fun spur of the moment types of things. I feel blessed to not have time constraints at this point and time. I thought I would show you what I did today. While not much...I enjoyed doing my own due time. Thursday was my shopping day in the big city and I picked up this little metal sign "family" for 1.50 and this mirror that I painted the edges black for .50. I added some scrapbook paper and ribbon/key and glued the little plaque inside. It is a little symbol to me that the key. Maybe a little corny...but just a good reminder. I picked up the butterfly pics at our Humane Society the same day. Of course painted them as well. The shelf was another score second hand..also painted. The heart is filled with lavender and I attached the french flash card that means "blessed" or "happy" with an old button and hat pin. I can't take credit for sewing the heart..because well it was another thrift store find. Since I repainted the shelf I of course had to play around with things that would sit there. This is what I came up with. I framed a little nest sticker on old ledger paper inside the round frame. I think just about anything looks like art once framed. The urn and bird/on nest were spray painted ivory. Nothing ever stays the same long at my house. The wreath I found at a garage sale in Georgia of all places. While going on a cross country trip. I look at all this stuff and it reminds me just how cheap I really am. Not one of these pieces were bought new in a store, well at least not by me. I know many of you relate to that. So many bargain queens out there. While I sure didn't save the world today...and I certainly never will...I had fun painting and puttering. Happy evening to all. xoxo,


Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

Those butterfly prints are amazing, and the fact that you got them at the Humane Society makes me love them even more. :-)

Joy said...

I love all of your new projects and finds. It's always fun to get new things to rearrange.
Where do you find your skeleton keys??? I've found some but I'd love to collect more, even if they're reproductions.

Joy said...

It's funny how similar our tastes are. I have that exact same "family" sign on my fridge!

kathy said...

Oh a beautiful vignette -- such talent to take pieces -repurpose -
and design such a lovely look -
really beautiful - and one thing leads to another - as on my blog -
bought some second cabinets -- led to the happenings on my blog lol --
Kathy GA -

Trisha said...

I really can not even begin to imagine how very cute your home must be! I love your blog, it is truly inspiring. I really need to take a page from your book and do some shifting of the cute stuff!

Sometimes It's Good said...

Hi, Thanks for coming for a visit. I love the sign you painted. You have some nice projects and found objects on your blog. Now I'll come visit you too!

Hugs, Susan

The Southern Mom said...

Thanks for visiting! Love all the black and white! For that matter, all your projects. You're so talented!

Darlene said...

I absolutely love all of your projects. After I saw your simple grapevine wreath with the skeleton key hung on a ribbon I have been on the hunt for skeleton keys. Our antique store has some but I ended up winning a lot of 4 on e-bay for cheaper (even with shipping) than they were there. I can't wait to get them and use them in some projects. Thanks for the inspiration!! Love, love, love your projects....simple but beautiful!

Kim Hancock said...

Your shelf arrangement looks great. It's amazing what a little black paint can do for things!

Linda said...

It all looks so pretty. I love the family sign and the key I don't think it is corny at all. The butterfly pictures just popped off the page when the frames were changed. I love seeing something so simply change into something beautiful with just a little paint and some creativity(which I am limited on)

Kim's Treasures said...

Your vignette turned out great! Love how you frame even something as simple as a sticker on vintage ledger paper. Your home looks like a cozy little home store you see in quaint little towns. Love it!

Becky said...

I love all this! You are so talented. I too am a bargain queen! You are so right, family IS the key! Come help me with my bathroom. YIKES!!!!

Susie said...

Cherry-I envy your creative talent! Beautiful blog and wonderful projects!

Shannon said...

I love all your pictures! You are so creative. I love puttering around the house and do it alot on the weekends. Its so fun!

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Very nice! It is amazing what a can of paint can do!

Our Complete Family said...

What a beautiful home! A delight to see today!

Jenni said...

I love what you did with the metal "family" sign in a frame you painted cute with the ribbon and the key.

I really enjoy your blog, partly because I can really relate to you! I'm not a big spender either, and NOTHING stays the same around here for very long! Just ask my family! It's way too fun to putter and fluff!

Have the most beautiful Sunday ever! :) LOVE your blog, as always!

the tattered nest said...

very anything that involves nests or birds! you did a great job!

duchess said...

I just love the Family sign.
I may have to copy that one day.

The Berry's Patch said...

You amaze me every time I visit. I just love that family sign. You should make and sell those. I would buy one. I love how you accessorize and you pick out the cutest things.

cherry said...

I had forgot to add does anyone know a good idea to mask our doorbell cover?

Anonymous said...

Your talent is amazing. I wish I had an ounce of it!!

Jodi Nelson said...

Cherry, 1st my emails to you kept bouncing back, than I was gone for a week, and it's been crazy busy! Now I can't find your email at all! (sigh)
Email me again!!! ;o) ooxx ~jodi

Elise said...

Man, you got some great stuff!! And doesn't a little black paint go a long way?!?!
Love it!!

Annie said...

I love the idea of the plate hanging inside the wreath, I am probably gonna steal that one! Love all the great finds. Thanks for sharing!

Susie Q said...

Oh my..I have just spent the sweetest hour reading and viewing your blog! I love it. Your home is just amazing and I love your talent for creating the perfect vignettes. We share somne of the same thing too!
I am so happy you dropped by and left a comment so I could find my way here!
What fun and I will be a regular!

May I add you to my blog roll?

Have a sweet week!


The Berry's Patch said...

Hey Cherry,

There were aspects of BD that I liked and didn't like. I don't want to say until your done...don't want to ruin it for you. As soon as you finish, let's talk. ;-)

Brandee :-)

Glenda said...

Hi and thank you for stopping by my blog.
I was looking through yours and fell in love with your one tray. The floral one with the black trim. It reminds me of the TV trays we used as kids to eat our Tv dinners in front of the television on Saturday nights.

Come by any time.


Ribbonwood Cottage said...

I love this post, and what you did with the picture turned out great. Please, please tell me where you got those little black birds in your other amazing post. I am in Calif. and have never seen anything like them, but I am crazy over them and all your black!!!
Thanks, Debbie

Christina said...

Great little projects. The black paint really made a great difference to the butterfly prints. I love all of your good deals grouped together.

abeachcottage said...

oh some great finds and love the vignettes

gorgeous family sign

Marie said...

I love those butterfly prints! Painting those frames black made them look even more gorgeous then they already were! I love your 'family' plaque project too! Very cute idea!

Christy said...

I LOVE what you did with the" Family" sign. I'm going to have to make one of my own. Thanks for another great idea!

Thrifty Cents said...

I never thought about painting things black, but you make it look so good! Lovin' that framed "Family" artwork!

Michelle said...

Love the results of your puttering. I love your addition to the heart..


Rosemary said...

I love all of your great stuff!!!
You do what I do, buy used stuff, and make it pretty.
Yes I was on Weekend Warriors a couple of years ago. How did you know that?
It was a lot of fun!
Have a great week!

Trixi said...

You are so incredibly talented that I can hardly stand it!!!

Rue said...

Hi Cherry :)

I miss the sound of sprinklers. Not very many people have them in Ohio. It's an odd thing to miss, isn't it?

All your projects turned out darling! Keep puttering, because I'm enjoying it :)


BittersweetPunkin said...

I have that same Westmoreland milk glass robin dish...
I LOVE your projects...very lovely!

Anonymous said...

You have such a wonderful talent to take "cheap" things and make them beautiful and make them your own creations! Love it all.

Bye-bye summer my dear old friend!


WOW, I love your ideas !!! and I love your blog. I see you have many friends, is there room for me?
I'd love to be your friend and come over and do projects with you :) I'm adding you to my list and I'll looking forward to learning /sharing more with you. Thank you for visiting me:)
Warmly, Deb

Rue said...

Hi Cherry :)

I just recieved an email from Dana of The Stone Rabbit and she would love to put your name on her sidebar and leave comments, but she can't and is hoping you can adjust whatever needs to be adjusted to allow her to comment on your blog. She tried to email you and it came back to her, so she emailed me to let you know.

rue :)

Sarah said...

Can you come and help me decorate? :)

nikkicrumpet said...

OH I'm soooo glad you came to visit my blog...I got to follow you home and see SO MANY great ideas. You really are very creative....I can see a whole bunch of things I'm gonna want to copy! Thanks for sharing them with us.

tincanlily said...

I love the beige, black and off white colors that you have in your home. Very neat looking, but yet very homey.

Jennifer P. said...

Thank you so much for stopping by! I realize my blog is linked to all my decorat-y friends' blogs---and I do get on decorating kicks too :)!

I love all your black. It looks so timeless mixed with the white. And thrift store finds---huzzah! Looks like I need to frequent YOUR thrift stores and garage sales :)

All the best to you!

Jennifer P. said...

Oh--and I forgot to add: that if you wanted to get a better look at my house, I have a seperate remodeling blog:

Dena said...

OH I love the whole arrangement and family with a key is just too cute!!!! You are indeed blessed. I have time constraints on my time constraints!


Nicole said...

I love what you did with the family sign, and the butterfly pictures. You are one talented woman. Thanks for always making such sweet comments on my blog, it just makes my day!

Angela said...

Wow! I love your blog... I love your cat and dog (they are sooo cute!)... and I love those butterfly prints! Come decorate my house, please?!

Cathy Cobblestone said...

All your lil' groupings of wonderful things are jus' BEAAAUUUUTIFUL! Love all those glass domes - the sweet birds, the monograms, the black, oh my the list jus' goes on and on. You have such a knack! Keep sharing with us all your beautiful and great ideas! Have a blessed evening! Cathy

maryanne420 said...


thank you for visiting my blog. you are one very talented lady! you're definitely going to be one of my fav blogs to visit.

mary anne

Laura said...

Oooh, I love all these pictures! You are so creative, I bet your home is amazing! I have been lax on reading and posting in blog land because I have been in Twilight land. I just finished Breaking Dawn, have you finished yet? I thought it was really good but sort of lost it in book three. Not enough emotion for me. Let me know what you thought!

Laura :)

Lacy said...

Love it all, want it all and appreciate you stopping by!!

Cathy said...

Hellooooo...Cherry! Oh my.... your "stuff"
(simple treasures used for fun)
Is spectacular! I think we must be related!

Reading about summer coming to a close.... brought a tear to my eye...really!
Those all my thoughts exactly, love the fall, but hate to see summer end.

I'll be back!

Deb said...

Love it all. It looks great, and those butterfly prints... what a deal.

Wendy said...

cute, cute, cute. I love your family sign. What a fun idea!

Melissa said...

Wow, you inspire my decorating senses.


Heathahlee said...

I LOVE the plate with the wreath! Did you glue it on the back or just set the plate in front of it?

Ashley said...

Those butterfly pics are so pretty. I think everything looks great framed in black. Love the helf and every thing on it. So pretty!

Angie said...

More great projects - u are so talented! I have got to gather up some materials so I can copy lots of your ideas!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

Hi Cherry! Your blog is wonderful! Thanks for visiting mine today. It definitely looks like you have a Frenchy thing going on, too! I love it!!

Kacey said...

Hello There! Thanks for visiting me! Your blog is fabulous and your layout too - ha ha! Great minds think alike! Only your Header is WAY better than mine. I'll have to work on that. Now I'm inspired. I love all of your finds and it looked like you had a great productive day! I'm going to work on my $5/5 Minute project from Joy tomorrow, then I am going to attempt my first tutu - ha! You'll have to check back in with me to see how it turns out. Thanks again for stopping by! K.

Free Art Printables said...

I LOVE how that looks. The contrat is awesome and I love the sign! Thank you so much for visiting. I am definately going to mark you and be back! Jen R