Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ever hear the one about the Pumpkin and the witch?

Me either..but I thought it sounded good. Here is an undressed pumpkin that I dressed up with some fun Pink Paislee paper. I had this rooster clock that I was tired of and the clock part was broke so I altered it and made it a "witching hour" is cursed to stay at midnight forever. Scared ya didn't I??? I wanted to make a "Witching Hour" or Halloween title on it but ran out of letters. What do you think...leave it or add it? A few more Fall props on my entry table. I also showed a close-up of my 1950's insect book....I would love to make some copies of the insects for Halloween ey? OHHHHH and just so ya know...those keys are to the witch's cottage. Yep the MOD Podge fumes have got to me. I noticed it is my 100th post.....never thought that would happen...flake that I I would love to know if you would be interested in a pumpkin man give-away? Soooo peeps let me know! Happy Hump Day! xoxo, cherry


Lorie said...

OH! I love the clock! And the scrabble tiles are a great idea. I have some from the Deluxe Scrabble set that are maroon! They look very fallish! I might have to dig those out!

Heathahlee said...

Those are just adorable! You are so makes me want to decorate more for fall.

Laura said...

Oooh, I love that pumpkin! You are just so creative! I also love your scrabble tile ideas!

Laura :)

The Berry's Patch said...

YES, YES, YES for a pumpkin man giveaway. How many times can I enter? Can I just buy the little dude from you?

I love the pumpkin you covered. I just saw one similar in a high end shop. I didn't look at the price though. I don't bother in those shops, I just get the ideas and run.

The clock is totally cute too. :-)

sandra/tx said...

Cute ideas. Love the bewitching clock. :-)

Inspired Kara said...

1. YES! Witching hour! I seriously love that idea.

2. I also seriously love that lil' chair with the key

3. I tried to find the pumpkins at the dolor tree today, with no luck. boo!

Elise said...

Cherry, You have outdone yourself again!! And yes to the giveaway...only if you pick me!!

Jenni said...

That clock is great! :) I think it's clever how you used the Scrabble tiles, too! I love all of your fall decorations! :) ( And your white pumpkins...where is everyone finding these white pumpkins?)

Have a peaceful night! :)

Ms. Tee said...

That clock is so neat - and the scrabble tiles, so creative. :)

Deb said...

Oh, My, Goodness!!! I love the clock. What a fabulous idea. Totally works with the witching hour saying. I want one.

Tausha said...

I only want you to do a giveaway-if I win. Can you rig that? I would so do that for you! After all-you are the boss!
I love the witching hour clock! Holy crap it is cutest thing ever. you know me and clocks though-I am a freak, so this one hit me right in the heart! I have an extra clock hanging around that needs a little lovin-this is so happeining to it! Lucky Clock!
ps-have you ever seen the I can't remember where I saw the link-but it is so great! Go there and see all the incredible halloween decor! I love the witch legs! I know that you will get a good giggle out of them as well!

Angie said...

Cherry, you are just so good you make me sick! J/K! Your arrangements always look fabulous! Great job on everything!

mysteryhistorymom said...

Oh, how you inspire us! I would LOVE one of your little pumpkin men! He is darling!! Lori

Joy said...

Look at you being the Halloween mod podge queen! Those projects are sooooo cute! That's a great way to repurpose a broken clock.

Weeksie50 said...

I love your craftiness. That clock is amazing.. and so is the pumpkin.. I love love love it all.


Mimi Sue said...

Your house is looking quite festive! The clock is great. You have the best ideas. Halloween is so fun when you still have kids at home....Mimi

Esther said...

Love the pumpkin. Love the clock. Oh, how I wish we had Halloween over here. Most people regard it as THAT American holiday. I did rebel last year though and carve a pumpkin to put on our top step. I think I'll have to do it again, maybe with some of the other lucious ideas I see in Blogland. Hubby won't understand but then he doesn't understand most of the things I do. :)

Kat said...

Congratulations Cherry...100 posts!
I need to get my hand on some scrap book papers fast! Look at all the projects you have for me to do. Do you order them online?

Kat said...

okay Im you have some favorite online sources. Maybe youve blogged about them before.
If you have post a I can go where you go. lol!
Im happy to see you again too.
Bugs about to turn 5 and she eats my flowers!

Anonymous said...

love the clock - what a great idea! your fall decorations are wonderful. thanks for all the inspiration you give to blogland!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love that witch clock! I'm assuming you made it somehow? I wish I was creative like that!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Okay...where do I begin...there are so many little details in your decor that makes it so wonderful. I love the ribbon and tag you put on your pumpkin...the little black it all!
-Sandy Toes

p.s. the Scrabble tiles are gReAt!

Stephanie said...

Well...I just thought I was finished with my Halloween projects! I love the pumpkin with the buttons and the witch clock is perfect! I am off to goodwill to look for a broken clock today!
I would love the chance to win a pumpkin man, too!

Rae said...

So festive and full of fall fun!!! I have got to break out my Scrabble tiles. LOVE that idea!!

the tattered nest said...

that's it... you have inspired me with these gorgeous pictures! gotta go decorate!

Unknown said...

oooh, i just love it around here!! so much to see and be inspired by.

thank you for stopping by amuse-bouche.

Kristin said...

that clock is amazing, with all of the little details - I think it's great

Oliver's said...

OMG!!!! You are a crafter after my own heart. I love scrapbook paper but do not this is perfect for me. You have such great ideas. From now on I am going to buy every paper that I remotely like and then look at everything else and think "Can I throw some paper on that?" That's the only way I can think completely out of the box. OH I hope I win! I think the clock is genius. (That's my weekend project) yeah I have something fun to do. I have to ask where do you get your great papers? I live in a one horse town and Hobby Lobby is 30min. away. Please say HobbyLobby. Thanks are awesome!Smiles, Paula

Shannon said...

Happy 100th post!! I would be very interested in a giveaway! :)

I love all your "props". Everything looks so great!! Love your clock and pumpkin!

paintergal said...

That jack-o-lantern is adorable! You used scrapbook paper?
And I love the witchy clock. How clever!

Oliver's said...

It's me again. Would you do a clock tutorial? I love those! We are having a party for my 10yr. old for Halloween and it's the first year we are going scary. I would love to know how you age your papers, sand the edges just so so etc. You would be a total rock star! Smiles and begging and pleading, Paula

Marie said...

INTERESTED?? I'd trade my first born for a pumpkin man from you! Okay... nobody call CPS on me. I love what you did with that clock. What a great idea! I have two broken clocks sitting here in a cabinet next to me. Oh me wheels they are a turning! :o) You are so creative. Do you have an etsy shop? You should.

Anonymous said...

Everything looks so nice. I really like all that you have done in these photos.

Thanks for some great ideas!

Sue said...



CarolinaGirl said...

WOW! You have a great talent! Can you come do my house? I can not get into Fall yet because we now live in FL and it is so hot! I love love love your decorations.

Thanks for visiting my blog, and I did add another comment to the Nester saying Halloween decorations don't count :) I wish I could do stuff like that, but it would scare my 4 girls to pieces. :) Love your blog!

Jules from "The Roost" said...

I would leave the clock like it is ....I like the subtleness of the message better.
All about the give a-way too .....bring on the pumpkins!

BittersweetPunkin said...

Thats a clever idea with the cute!! Love the paisley pumpkin...VERY nice!!!

Dena said...


You are so creative! I love all of your vingettes...I'm off to dig out my scrable game :)


Anonymous said...

hi! i stumbled on your blog, and i love it! those home decor items are fabulous. i am totally in the fall/halloween spirit! great post and fabulous blog! i look forward to visiting often!

SeaWorthy said...

Hey Cherry girl..(you know I live on Cherry Street)too funny! I think your talent is overflowing on this one!! That little witch clock is soo darling- very nice job, indeed.
See ya soon!
coastal nest

Chris said...

Of course, I love it ALL! I'm going to copy shamelessly!

Do you ever sleep girl?

Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

A pumpkin man give a way is a great idea....I have been so inspired by your posts that I have a list going for my trip to hobby lobby on Friday!!! Thanks for the inspiration!

Gabrielle Mader said...

thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. You are one lady with some creative energy!! Love your pumpkin face with the buttons on top. Is that BG papers or did you paint and stamp? Where did you find that jack? great blog.

Joanne Kennedy said...

Very clever ideas you came up with. Love the pumpkin! That clock is to "die" for. LOL I think you should keep the scrabble tiles.

I wish I could come up with things like you did!


Darlene said...

YES, YES, YES we want a pumpkin man giveaway....and I want to win!!! You make/create the CUTEST things!!! I just want to come over to your home and watch you create your magic!!! The clock is ADORABLE and though cute now, I think Witching Hour would put it over the top!!! I saw someone asked about an etsy store...yeah, how about it....then we could BUY all your beauties and you could craft away.........

Anonymous said...

LOVE the clock and the pumokin! Very cute touches for the season!! I just need more time in the day to create all these great ideas I get from you!!

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Your creativity is endless!!! Congrats on your 100th post, and of course we would love a giveaway. Jackie

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

Love your decorations! I would love to do a pumpkinman giveaway!

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Cherry
I loved how you dressed up the pumpkin and the clock. You are so creative. Congratulations on your 100th post - WOW.

Julie said...

I love all your halloween the clock is great! and that pumpkin is so cute.
Have a great day

Chris said...

The witch on the clock!! I. must. have. it!! How did you get that on there? Did you just ask if we want a give away? Uh...yeah!!!! LOVE everything. ALWAYS do.

joelandbecca said...

Why are you so darn cute?! I love both the pumpkin and the clock! So very creative!

Anonymous said...

The clock is fabulous! Your groupings are always amazing. I'm up for a great giveaway. Wonderful idea!!

PS - I tagged you :) You can see my blog for the rules.


Rachel Berry said...

Holy moly I'm #55! I have to say I LOVE that clock! Great job and I say go with Witching Hour it's just too perfect!

Love it all! Your amazing!

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

I LOOOVE these projects! Looks so great :), and please do a giveaway!! I've got one going on my blog now too. Come check it out!


Mrs. B said...

Oh my goodness! Will the cuteness ever end? Those are just fabulous! I love that clock especially! And who doesn't love a giveaway!?!

K said...

I am so glad you bumped into my blog! Thanks for leaving such a nice comment, I hope you'll come again. As for your blog, I LUV IT!!!! I'm definitely adding ya to my "stalking" sites!

Kirsten of B&K

Rosemary said...

Hi Cherry,
Love that clock!!!
I always spell stuff with my scrabble tiles. Right now I have trick spelled out with them.
Have a great day!!

Wendy said...

I love your stuff! How cute!! You should definitely do a pumpkin man giveaway! What fun!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

It is almost overwhelming to look at all this stuff because it makes me want to copy everything!! I love the witching hour clock and the pumpkin you mod podged the best...but I honestly love it all! :)

bj said...

I do love all your goodies here. Really neat...and that clock is amazing.
My NEST isn't really a sign but individual blocks of wood with the letter on ea one...
hugs, bj

Anonymous said...

As always--brillant! Love it all!

Whitney said...

What fantastic Fall decor! Beautiful!

Kacey said...

You continue to amaze me! I LOVE the pumpkin and the clock!!!

Emily said...

Will you come to my house and create some beautiful things for me? You are so talented. I would love to win a pumpkin man.

sheila from life @ #17 said...

Never, I say Never, in a million years would I have thought of redoing your rooster clock like that...that witching hour clock is fabulous...

(before I read your text, I couldn't believe you went over the Rooster...but now I understand :)

Georgia Girl said...

Why do I always miss your post and have to go back and check to see where you have been for the day...You know what you always get here anyway with my rambling on I love all your goodies again. Cherry you really out do yourself...I love the witches clock.

Oh yeah I want a punkin boy...I know I will look for that post.

Bonnie the Boss said...

Oh My Gosh!!! Can I be you in my next life? So dang cute!!!!!! I love all of it and don't know where to start!


Hi Cherry,
You have the best ideas to use what you have around the house and I so enjoy your blog, as well as the 70 other gals! You have a large following :)Thanks for sharing and know I'm thinking that I need to craft tonight. Love the clock idea.
Warmly, Deb


Hi Cherry,
You have the best ideas to use what you have around the house and I so enjoy your blog, as well as the 70 other gals! You have a large following :)Thanks for sharing and know I'm thinking that I need to craft tonight. Love the clock idea. and I'd like a chance to win the pumpkin man.Thanks.
Warmly, Deb

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Hi Cherry,
You are so clever...I just love your ideas!

kathy said...

Loved ♥ the clock -- Thanks for visiting -- I had already seen your clock when I looked at kari's and Kitja's blog about fav placed at home -- Everythignis lovely - and I love your blog _ KAthy - GA

Anonymous said...

LOVE, LOvE the clock! Great fall ideas!


SummerAnytime said...

Love, love, love the clocks! And that pumkin that you covered. The juxtaposition of the fancy paper and the funny pumkin is great! Thanks so much for visiting my blog, I'm adding you to my blogroll. ~Becky~

The Vintage Kitten said...

Hello, Thankyou so much for your support and lovely comment left on Debbies blog. You are all so kind and I appreciate the time you took to pop over to my friends blog to leave a message. Hopefully the person concerned will get bored... Your decorations are fantastic, I especially like the pumpkin and the witches clock. You are very talented with great ideas. Thanks again, Take Care, Mandy X

Cottage Way of Life said...

Ok, this is going to sound kind of stupid considering you've got all those marvelous pictures of very cool Halloween things, and what do I want to comment on? That book about insects. Haha.

Lately I've been a little obsessed with trying to make, for lack of a better adjective, Victorian Curiosity Domes. You know how Victorians would set up a little still life and then encase it in a glass cloche? So I'm trying to make a natural history one with bugs. Normally bugs make me want to run the other way, but my daughter's boyfriend brought me the most beautiful metallic green beetle he found in the park, and that set off the obsession. I thought it would be a very cool thing to put in a Halloween display ... And an insect book like your is just what I need to set near the dome when I finish with it. I'm gonna have to hit the used book stores! Thanks for the inspiration.


lisa said...

I say add the witching hour. Love the idea!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Your creativity is amazing.....I always enjoy coming over to see your things!!

The clock with the witch is my unique!


Jeni said...

Wow...have you been busy! My favorite is that witch clock...what a super cute idea. Those scrabble pieces were cool looking too.

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

That little chair with the key is soooo adorable. I love the pumpkin the way you fixed it. You are so talented in an amazing way!!! Love it!

Anonymous said...

too cute but i just adore the dog picture!

Power Up Love said...

I invite you to visit real people sharing real stories about how love has really impacted and changed their lives. Share your story, struggles, or testimonies. Blessings...

Busy Mom said...

Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! I adore yours too! And feel now I must do MORE around the house, glad the weekend is here. I especially love the word "FALL" will have to do that!!

Anonymous said... your not answered joke question. Yeah...let's do a give-away!

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

Hi Cherry,

I LOVE coming over to your site because there's always the BEST eye candy here!
The covered pumpkin and the witch clock are to die for.
On a funny note...The 1st photo looks like the pumpkin was used to squish a giant mosquito. : )

Shana said...

Your house is just too adrably ghoulish. The pumpkin is just too darn cute but my fav. item is the clock - very clever that yo left it set at midnight. :-)

Anonymous said...

I am all about giveaways-- especially if you give something away to me!! :)

As always-- CUTE stuff.

Jean said...

I love, love the witching hour clock just as it is. It is so cool for Halloween. I also looked at your other latest posts, and your creative space is wonderful and so is the rest of your Fall decorating. Thanks for sharing.
Jean in Virginia

Rue said...

Hi Cherry :)

Of course I'd be interested in a pumpkin man giveaway! He's so cute, who wouldn't want one?? :)

I'm soooo envious of all your vignettes! They look darling :)

I hope this house sells before Christmas or it'll be REALLY depressing.


stephanie h said...

Soo stinkin' cute! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pumpkin! Please do a giveaway or at least a tutorial. :)

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

Thanks for stopping by today! Love your blog. Very creative! Thanks for sharing much love.

Happy Momma to Six Blessings said...

Oh what great ideas. I showed the pumpkin to my three year old her response " I looooove that punkin it's so cute. She's a smart girl. Keep up all the lovely posts.

Debbie in Louisiana

Virginia said...

Very clever, love all your punkins and decorations.
And thanks for the visit.
Blessings, Virginia

Anonymous said...

Love the clock! Happy 100!

Joy said...

Hello my friend!
I can't remember where I got my metal leaves. I've had them for YEARS! I think they came from a little craft store. Sorry! I'm not much help here.
Have a delightful weekend.

melissa said...

thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I absolutly love the wooden pumpkins! Did you decopauge fabric onto them? have a fantastic weekend!


melissa said...

oh by the your name Cherry? My mom's name is Cherry!! :)

melissa said...

wow...that's awesome...i have never ever met someone else with that name!! It's so nice too meet you! :)

melissa said...

of course u can...i was just going to ask you the same thing...if i could add you to my fav blogs...i just adore your blog with all your wonderful crafy ideas!! said...

Crikey, look at all your comments! This was a fun post to read and look at! Like how you dressed the pumpkin! Thanks for visiting me. Will visit you again! Rachaelxo

Lisa & Alfie said...

Oh my god Cherry! LOOK at that number of comments. I am so behind compared to you for Halloween. What I love most is the unexpected use of white ironstone. Love that with the white pumpkin. And yes, it is most necessary to have a pumpkin man giveaway! And don't worry, I completely zoned on my 1ooth post. Will have to remember my 1 year anniversary instead.
Lisa & Alfie

Gigi said...

What great photos! Love your fall decorating -- especially the clock. Your blog is lovely -- so glad I found it. Thanks so much for stopping my mine -- come again!


Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog...I'm thrilled to now discover yours. I wish I was half as creative and can tell that your blog is going to be an inspiration!

Kari said...

Hi Cherry,

Thanks for visiting my blog! I love the B&W pic of your dog in the vignette with the pitchers and berries and the pumpkin under the cloche/bell jar. Really really pretty. I'm glad I discovered your blog and will be back again to visit more.

~Reese & Marie~

Sandra said...

Oh I love every single thing, the pumpkin is just amazing :)

Love your blog, so glad I found it :)

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. Love it! And yes to the giveaway.


Thrifty Decor Chick said... have my mind reeling!! I plan to decorate for fall this weekend and you have inspired me even more. Just beautiful.
I just found your blog today and would love to link it to mine -- do you mind?

AJ said...

Have I mentioned before that you should be getting paid for this?!?! You've got talent!!!!

Melissa said...

You have so inspired me to start decorating for Fall.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

You are exploding with creative energy on this post!!!
I LOVE that Witching Hour clock!!!! and the Paislee Punkin---and the Insect book!
Yes, indeedy, I think you need a Pumkin Man Give-away!
I'm having a Pink Sat. Starter Kit giveaway, but you must sign up tomorrow (or tonight!). ;-) You might enjoy the Pink Imitation Crocs (or the $6.00 in cold hard cash!). Have a great weekend--inspirational post! Dana

Our Complete Family said...

Oh my goodness! Love it all girl! I'm in always! A giveaway from you would of course be lovely!!! ~ Les

EMILEE said...


Anonymous said...

Everything is ADORABLE! What a fun, inspiring post!
Please come here and do my fall for me!


Stink Bone Jones said...

I am so HAPPY to have happened upon your wonderful blog! Everything you have done for fall is just GORGEOUS but my fav? is definitely the pumpkin with paper and the clock. What brilliant ideas. I now wish that I had a clock lying around that I didn't want.

Where did you find the witch with the hour and minute hands or did you just glue her on top of the existing ones?

I think a title would be wonderful on the clock and a giveway would be super!

nikkicrumpet said... do you do it??? Can I rent your brain for a few months?

Lindsay said...

I love the decorations! They're just beautiful!

Kristen said...

Here via Chris (Just a Girl) and I am amazed at how talented you are! What a gorgeous blog!! I'll be back!