Sunday, September 7, 2008

What does this....

and this............
and this...............

make? Why this pumpkin of course! But only because I was inspired by this lady.......................! All I got to say is this lady rocks with the paper! I know to some this is early in doing projects.. but I have discovered if I wait too does not get done for me. This way I get to actually enjoy it this Halloween. All I got to say is I am purty darn proud of the face...I do NOT paint...even basic faces like breaks me out in a cold sweat. But I think his face turned out pretttty cute. I used a perm. marker first and THAN went over it with black paint. So many of you have inspired me with projects you have done...I hope I am able to get them all done. Well thanks for taking a gander! On to bigger fish........................................................
I also was honored by my dear friend Dena at Swaddle Cottage with this great award. I usually do not extend them forward because it is hard to figure out who had got them and who has not so just know that I send this award out to everyone I visit and frequent. I love alllllll your takes a big chunk out of my day to visit ya but boy is it ever fun! Hugs, cherry

Edited here to add instructions on the pumpkin box.


Some of you emailed me for a play by on this project so here goes. It is very easy. If I can do it, you can.

Paper mache box....bought at Walmart .97 cents.

a menagerie of Fall or Halloween papers.

Elmers glue

Mod Podge

a styrofoam ball or do like I did and use an old christmas ornament. I liked mine cuz they were free at a garage sale and it was smoother than the usual ones you get at craft stores.

crepe paper

pipe cleaners


orange paint , black paint, I used brown shoe polish to AGE the pumpkin

Hot glue gun

rubons, tags, inks to distress, anything else you want to embellish your pumpkin man..the sky is the limit.

I started by using my box as a template and tracing with a pencil onto my paper. Cut it out and used my Elmers to adhere my paper. I painted the styro ball orange let it dry and than used a black pen to make my face and went over it with black paint. I than used the shoe polish to AGE him. NOw to make his hat I took a paper mache cone I already had and wrapped the paper I chose around it to form the hat. I distressed the hat with inks. Glued it and than mod podged it to protect and stiffen it. I added some crepe paper to the top and bottom and added tinsel pipe cleaner. I hot glued the hat onto the styro ball and than hotglued the ball onto the box. I made a little tag and added a vintage type rubon onto it. I took a pen and wrapped my copper wire around it to spiral it and than took it off and wrapped it around the pumpkin ball with the tag. There you have it. Very easy and a lot of fun. I have another I did doing something different as the "body" of the pumpkin. I am leaving to go out of town for a funeral...hopefullly I didn't forget anything. I really hope some of ya try this and I hope to see pics of your projects! cherry


Carry Grace said...

Oh my! This is so stinking cute! I love it.

Don't be afraid of paint, you did a great job.

Joy said...

Okay, I think it's time for me to make a Cherry craft! I'm like you, if I don't do it sooner, it won't get done later.

mysteryhistorymom said...

He is darling! Thank you so much for sharing this craft- you did a wonderful job!:-) Lori

Rachel Berry said...

Oh NO WAY! I LOVE IT!!! Alright, another craft to add to the I wanna craft to do pile. Man this pile is getting out of hand. Sheesh!! Great job!


Robin Beck said...

SOOO cute! You really did a great job, the face IS adorable. You know my mom paints but I can't even paint a wall for the life of me! My husband always ends up taking the brush and putting me out of my misery (or his) :)
I don't think it is too early to post halloween...I'm getting ready to post Christmas!!!!
Thanks for sharing-It is really cute!

Unknown said...

Very cute. Oh i love it. I cannott wait to decorate for halloween.. mishelle

Darlene said...

OMG...that is TOO cute!!! You did a great job on him!!!I will have to go check out that site. LOVE it!!

Deb said...

I love, love, love it. Who would have thought you could make something Halloweenie out of that stuff. I think I may need to make something like that myself. By the way, I really like your Twilight widget. I am considering reading the series again. I just can't wait for the movie to come out.

Brenda said...

How cute ,I have never tried to paint or do anything with paper.I might have to put that on my list of things to do.
Best Wishes

Darlene said...

Hey Cherry,

I'm baaaccckkk!! Anyhoo...the more I look at that the more adorable it becomes...How about a tutorial???

Wendy said...

That is a seriously cute punkin!!!! Need to (try to) make me one of those. Thanks for sharing!

Leslie said...

So so cute! I need to make one of these! I collect all kinds of paper and never do anything with it!

aimee said...

Linda's blog is one of my favorites too! You rocked this project! So cute!

The Beauty Bargainista said...

oh my gosh, how smart are you?!!!! I want one! :)

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

I can't believe that! I LOVE that project, you did an awesome job--really, that was your first time making that?! Wow!! SO cute!!!

frillsfluffandtrucks said...

Very cute and creative!

~ Sarah

Elise said...

That is so stinkin' cute!! I love Linda's blog and had lost it so thank you for "finding" it again for me!!

Angie said...

So cute and you did awesome job!!!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Wow...I am always amazed by what all you blog ladies do! That is so cute!

Congrats on your award!
-Sandy Toes

Marie said...

I LOOOOOOVE it. Holy moly. I almost fell outta my chair I was so excited to see INSTRUCTIONS! The paper you used is beautiful. I'm a huge fan of Basic Grey paper.

Georgia Girl said...

What about a tutorial? This is simply the cutest thing I have seen. I am uneducated crafter that needs directions...hehehePlease tell me how I can make one for my little girl. She would love this.

Congrats on the award...I can surely see why cause your blog is awesome. I have so many places to go and not enough time in a day to see all of the talented blogs...Do they have a job where I can get paid for doing this cause it is so much funnier than a real job...hehehe

Marie said...

Well, crap. No instructions. But the link was lots of serious eye candy! Love her blog. Thanks!

Shana said...

Too, too darling. He has such a cute little face too! Makes me want to attempt this project myself. :)

Shannon said...

That is so cute! I love it! It reminds me of my pumpkin man in my kitchen since his hat is a lid and comes off.

Deserae said...

OMG that is soooooo darn cute! Fabulous job...the face looks great!

Chris said...

When I saw that picture, I thought, "She did NOT just make that out of those things!" Incredible! You ARE an artist!

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!!!!

Rae said...

That is the CUTEST!!!!! I have to have one!! One more project on the to-do list!

You are the best and I love your blog too!!

Jenni said...

So, so cute! I must say that I think the pumpkin face is very well done.
He is adorable! :)

I know what you mean about all the craft might take me until next fall to get them all done! :)

Priscilla said...

Hi, I just love your blog! Halloween is on its way and all your inspiration is great! Thanks for the links too....
See you again soon

Priscilla x

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

This turned out great and really looks pretty easy. I love it and love what you did to the box, actually I love it all! Wow. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

it turned out so cute! it would be great for a kids little halloween party!

Lindsay-ann said...

That is the cutest pumpkin man I have every seen. You are so clever. Thanks for showing him.

Susie Q said...

That is absolutely adorable!! What a sweet treasure!
You are amazing!


Rosemary said...

So cute Cherry.
I think you did a wonderful job!
My email is on my blog. Just click email.

Amy said...

Oh my. I love your blog. I am adding you to my link list right now!! Such great, crafty ideas!! Thanks for the inspiration!!

Mrs. B said...

That is just too cute for words! I love love love it!

Elizabeth said...

I like your pumpkin guy best because of the smooth face surface. Aren't you smart!


The Berry's Patch said...

He is soooo cute and happy. It looks like something you would see in a specialty shop. You should make more and sell them. Please? :-)

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

WOW! This is so cute and creative! Love it! ~Rhonda :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! I LOVE him!!! OK! I have to give it a try! I hope mine comes out as cute! Keep them coming! Julie PS Whats a great way to paint a stryofoam ball?

Anonymous said...

What an adorable outcome using what you had. Just love the results!

Bless you and yours,

Jeni said...

WOW! You picked out some pretty papers to do it too.

Jodi Nelson said...

LOVE the new Fallish Look of your blog! Fabulous! And I SAW this on Linda's blog! I LoVe yours! Way to go. I'm totally going to have to do one! Or two. Or ??? LOL. I've been kicking my feet at the mention of fall. I think I'm starting to cave. ooxx~jod

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

That is just adorable!

Our Complete Family said...

Too, too cute! Where did you end up putting this fun little guy in your house?

Jerri Lynn @ Southern Sassyness said...

That has to be the cutest thing...ever! I have got to make this - love it!

Serendipity said...

That is just down right cute!

...I love that basic grey line...

Mimi Sue said...

How cute. Around here if you don't get your Halloween paper by Sept. 1st it's pretty much sold out. Smart of you to get it done...Mimi

Lori said...

how do you get the corners to look so old? it looks great and i cant ever seem to get mine to look aged

Anonymous said...

Loves it! I should really try this thanks for the inspiration.

The painting is fantastic. I have huge respect for artist. I painted some letters with a small brush this weekend and my thumb was sore the next day.

Darlene said...

Oh, I came back by to see if we had begged you into a tutorial....AND WE DID!!! THANK YOU so much!!

Ribbonwood Cottage said...

I ended up spending 2 hours looking at this gal's blog, your blog, the projects. How totally cute. Looks amazing. It looks so adorable and vintagey!
Blessings, Debbie

Pennies In My Pocket said...

W.O.W.!! That is amazing!!

Just found your blog from another one. I'm SO bookmarking you!!


tincanlily said...

I really do love this! Thanks for sharing the site that inspired you. I am going to give this a try. I have a few other projects in the works that I should finish first. You did a great job!

trish said...

Absolutely clever! This is just too cute and thank you for adding the instructions for making our own.
Have a wonderful week!
Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

Ms. Tee said...

This is just darling. And you make it look so easy!

Dena said...

Cherry, that is so cute!!! I absolutely LOVE the halloween decorations with those prim smiles. I just don't think I could do anything that would turn out nearly as cute as yours! I'll have to look for those creme brulee candles (my favorite dessert) -- oh and Bath and Body works...I'll admit it, I'm hooked! They have some yuuummy pumpkin goodies :)


Anonymous said...

too crafy and too cute

love it, you are talented for sure


Rosie said...

I love your blog! Thanks for visiting me! You did a great job on the pumpkin, I am inspired. And I'm going out to buy Dollar Tree ravens ASAP. Thanks for the tip!

Deb said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today & your kind comment. What a great blog you have! I love your little Hallowe'en box. Looking forward to visiting you again!


Anonymous said...

That is sooo cute! His face came out just right!


Weeksie50 said...

I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Your Halloween Decor is adorable! Love you craft project and all of the wonderful collections you shared in your previous post! Your fabric pumpkins with the netting bows, the black frames---the spooky books. What terrific combinations!

Jules from "The Roost" said...

WOW! I think I could do this one. So cute. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It looks great!!!! So glad that you had a great time making the project and will have time to enjoy it throughout fall. Linda Albrecht

Shana said...

So I've been looking for some cute halloween paper for my pinwheels. Was having no luck and then I remembered the cute paper you used on this project. I'm so off to order some of this now. Thanks for posting. :)

Cathy Cobblestone said...

Now that is just the cutest thing ever!!!!!! Love it! Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Cathy

jeanne @ Inspiring Ideas said...

I am loving your whole blog!! Everything is so fun and "clean" and done with character!

nikkicrumpet said...

CUTE beyond words!!! Dang you ladies amaze me with this stuff!!!

Blogger said...

Too flippin cute :) :)

Thanks for the tutorial!


Kristen said...

EEEKKK!!! How cute is THAT?? I am so copying this!!