Sunday, September 28, 2008

What do you think

Of the new look of my blog? I don't know why the pics are all messed up now. It was done by I wanted something colorful and a relection of my title/ I think it fits the bill. Will be back tomorrow to post a little something. cherry


Rachel Berry said...

Cute! I love the colors!!!
Changing up ones blog is a little addicting, as you can tell from my recent fall makeover. Now I need to find something for winter. :)

Cottage Way of Life said...

I think changing the look of one's blog is a whole lot like moving the furniture around in one's house. You just have to do it every now and then and when you do, it makes you feel good, gives you a whole new outlook on things, and is kind of refreshing.

Your new blog layout is yummy, love it!


Weeksie50 said...

I love love love it..

M.L. @ The House of Whimsy said...

Well, now we all know who the night owls are. Hee-hee!

About your new look...100% YOU!!!
The CUTEST thing ever!!!

M.L. : )

Robin Beck said...

Love your new blog background and can't believe how reasonable Shels scraps is-! She does amazing work thanks for sharing.

Darlene said...

Morning Cherry,

I LOVE your new blog is FABULOUS!!!

Since I learned how to change mine you can better believe it will be changed up any time I need a little lift.

Anonymous said...

I think your new blog background is way too cute!!!! What a great change. It just says "you"!

Sarah Kate said...

It looks great!

Georgia Girl said...

Cherry-licious! So cute and I agree I just learned how to tweak some little fun on mine but still needing to get it just a bit more of me. In due time I say!

Have a great day!

Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} said...

Very fun! It is adorable! Makes me want to do something with mine.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Very Cute! It is sooo perfectly you!

Sarah said...

So pretty! Very inspiring--makes me to want to do something different with mine!

Rae said...

I LOVE your new look! It is simply divine!

Shannon said...

Love it!

Valarie Lea said...

I love this! The little jeweled cherry is just too cute!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE the way...I have been soooooo inspired by you that I have copied a couple of your come take a look....thanks for the inspiration...I look forward to more!!!!!

Free Art Printables said...

It looks great!

Wendy said...

I really like it! I love the little cherry bling on the side too! Very cute!


I LOVE the new look of your blog. It fun to change things up and the banner is GREAT..:)Very fresh and clear colors. Easy to read, which is important to this "old gal" :)
Happy Monday.

Marie said...

PRETTY! Very cherry! :o)

Shell in your Pocket said...

I could not love it more...It is just wonderful!!!!!Do you do this on your own???
Happy Monday!
-Sandy toes

Julie said...

I love your background and the colors are great! love your header very cherry:)

Elise said...

So pretty, so cherrylicious!!

Heather @ Home said...

Love the new look!

Ms. Tee said...

I like it - it's very cute and cheerful! :)

Tausha said...

I love it~! Looks just like you! Happy~

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

I love it! I'm off to check this person out -- mine needs redecorating as well! ;)

Lisa Marie said...

wow this is so beautiful I love the new look...awesome, hugs, lisa

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

I love the new look! The header is fabulous, and I really love the paper clips with cherry "bling" on them! :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT! Looks great and is definitely reflective of cherrys!

AJ said...

I'm lovin the polk a dots and cherry bling! Just as bright and cheery as you are!

Angie said...

Love it Cherry!!!

Robin @ The Rendered Nest said...

I love the pops of bright colors on the black and white. So cute!

Lindsay-ann said...

It's cherrytastic. I love it.

Our Complete Family said...

Cute, cute, cute Cherry! What a fun blog design you're now rocking! My fav part is the adorable little paperclips along the side. So FUN!!! Happy Monday~ Les

Cathy said...

Looks great! Love it!

Stacy said...

Too cute! I too love the cherry bling! LOL.


Victoria said...

Looks great!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your look!! I want to change mine, but I don't know how to do it and I don't have the time to figure it out! I will one day. LOVE all of the birds in your precious post and that Darling Boo KittY!!!!!! BYW, are your white shutters (where many a bird picture is shown hanging) fixed to a wall in your home? I have some shutters (long ones---old closet doors)I have thought about putting together on a wall in my dining room and doing just what YOU did! BRILLIANT minds -- oh yes!

Have a great rest of the day! I'm gonna make an apple pie right now! It's the perfect drizzly day for that! Bye! Dana

Bella Della said...

Looks beautiful!

Heathahlee said...

I LOVE it! So cute and cheery!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

I LOVE the new look of your blog! Can wait to see what you're going to post about.

Becky said...

It is totally adorable!

Deb said...

LOVE the new look. Super cute.

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Oh my goodness, I love the design! Totally yummy.

The Berry's Patch said...

It's perfect! Love the bling. :-)

the undomesticated wife said...

I love it!

Life on the farm... said...

Pretty blog.... not to cherry but cheery!

Lorie said...

Beautiful! It is so fun to do a blog makeover! And cheaper than making over your house.

Chris said...

Well, I got here late. I LOVE it. I think it's just perfection.

joelandbecca said...

I love it! It totally matches the name! SO sweet, so original!

Nichole said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Love the new look and enjoy reading your blog!

Junk Mammas

Sweet Simplicity said...

I LOVE it! Super cute!

Becca said...

I think it looks great, but I do have a hard time reading the text in white and red because of the background. Just a thought.. It's so cute though!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I love it! It definately is YOU!

Lacy said...

It is perfect and I am lovin it!!!It is probably my fav. Really! It is so "cherry," I mean cheery!!!Hee hee! Great choices!

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

I LOVE the new look! So cute with the cherries and the colors are perfect too! :)

sandra/tx said...

I like it! I agree with Sue. Ya just gotta change up the look of your blog every now and then. Yours is looking great!

Nicole said...

I love it! It's so whimsical. I made over mine too! It's like redecorating your home... Blessings, Nicole

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

I love it!!! Very fitting....I am always changing....I have only been blogging 6 months and have had 5 looks!!

This one is definitely a keeper!


Sheen said...

Very cute! I love cherries & this makes me want to eat some!

Also... thanks for commenting back to me! I very much appreciate it! The other blog I have is sort of a paper place. {Not so much scrapbooking.} It's my mom's actually. I'm in the middle of making it for her right now. She does invitations of ALL sorts, menus for restaurants, business cards, stationary, envelopes, etc. You name it and she can probably do it for you. She's pretty popular in Southeast Idaho. Keep checking back for updates!

Lisa & Alfie said...

Great way to represent Cherry! It is fresh and fantastic. And very you. Well done.
Lisa & Alfie

Mimi Sue said...

I love it. I need to redo mine. Mimi

Unknown said...

Very , very , very cute. love the new look. Mishelle

Dena said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I'm ready for a makeover on my lil' blog now I just have to find the time to do it!


kathy said...

Oh how wonderful - These colors are to die for -well -live for lol-
Somehting about red and black and green are now my faves - what a great look !!! - Kathy -ga

nikkicrumpet said...

I LOVE IT!! I especially love the little cherry paperclips...such a cute touch! I won a blog contest and the prize was a blog redesign...I'm nervous and excited to see what she comes up with...lord knows mine can use the facelift!

Tiffany said...

You look great! And, I LOVE MY CAT!!!!!

Sarah said...

I'm brand new to your blog so I never say the old version. I love the new look. It is very "cherrylicious". The cherry bling on the side is awesome :)

Mrs. B said...

It looks very cute! I love the blingy cherries! I think my blog is in need of a little makeover too!

Judy said...

I've tagged you on my blog Mrs. Cherry! Please go by and pick up the tag and play along!


Blogger said...

It's perfect :)


Trixi said...

I love it!!! It is so cute.

The Dragonfly said...

So very cute! Love it!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

cute box.

Susie Q said...

I think it looks just beautiful. It is such fun to change things around on blog isn't it? Cheaper and easier than doing it in our homes! *grin*

I love the look!


Anonymous said...

How cute is your new banner!! And the giveaway-ew ew ew hand waving in air-pick me pick me!! Hope you feel your good ole self soon.
The Jolly Dog House