I thought I would share where I am when I get to come visit you all. I don't know whether it will bore you or not to see this part of my life. For me it is inspiring. This is a personal space for me even though the family all uses the computer in here. I like to surround myself with things that make me smile. I love whimsy and adore old things. Things with history or silly stuff...it all has its home in my little space. I made a banner for myself that says CREATE. It is a reminder to me that it is ok to just do that. To create for oneself. It is a stress relief for me. A simple but proven therapy for myself. I can't say that my space is the most organized area...it is a work in progress. I like things close at hand and like to be able to see things...I often times will not use things in crafts if they are tucked away. That can lead to messes...but unfortunately I am finding that my personality while crafting is one of chaos at times...so whether it can be tamed still remains to be seen. Things are helter skelter. Just like a child I can be guilty of not cleaning up my messes when done. Just like this room I guess I am a work in progress. Thank-you so much for leaving such kind and wonderful comments on my pumpkin men. I hope all of you had great weekends. xoxo,cherry
I love looking at your pictures!!! There is always one or two things in them that we have in common. You have great taste---and I mean that sincerely, not just because we have things in common. Although it has become sort of a "Where's Waldo" game to me. You know, let's find what Cherry has that I have one of too.
I wish I had a beautiful place to create like yours. I share my computer area with stinky boys (that I love dearly). No frilly things for me to enjoy here.
WOW! What great eye-candy. Thanks for sharing!!
I love your pictures. I wish you would do a tutorial on how to get them to be so big like this.
Love all your surroundings!
Boring? Are you kidding? The photos are absolutely beautiful and so fun to see! Creating is therapy for me also and there is often "chaos" when I create. I'm thinking you and I would get along quite nicely!
Loved looking at this!!
Doing a giveaway on my blog this week that you might like!
Oh, I love looking at your pictures. They are so fun and so whimsical.
Thank you for sharing. I love your create banner. So much fun!!!
Great pictures! :) ~Rhonda
I love all of it! I love all the bright colors, and anything vintage is something I'm totally drawn to. It looks like you have a nice little sanctuary in there!
Wow, love the "Create" banner! You could sell those on etsy girl! I cannot get over the detail and that bird, so cute!
I am the same way, if things are put away I don't see them and don't think about using them. Haven't quite figured out how to make that part of me work with the part that wants things neat & tidy. :)
Love your pics and your space Cherry! I am just trying to get into the crafty side of me. Never really was inspired till I came here and saw all the neat things and really so simple with some that even I could feel like I can do. Your one of those who have inspired me so bring on more neat things....I just love the punkin man.
Your photos are wonderful! It's like looking at a magazine! I wish I had a room full of beautiful things like yours!
What a wonderful space to be! I love it all!
What a beautiful work space! I could find myself lost in that room with all of those neat goodies....love it!
I love what I've seen so far!
Wow! I know I'm inspired!
I love your pictures too. All that color looks like such a happy little space.
These pictures feel like I just stepped into a little boutique store that has captured my heart. I love these photos.
Ooh, I'm so glad you told me that you had made some too, so I could come back and look at them. Adorable!! You're right, they are addicting. : )
What beautiful things. I wish I were sitting where you are right now!
Blessings to you and yours,
Love everything in your space - especially your banner. I think it is so nice to get a little sneak peak into where we all are when we're "talking" or maybe "rambling" is better suited to how I am. Ha! I think I'll need to treat myslef to something inspiring for my space. Thanks for sharing!!
I can relate with not using things unless I can see them. It's like I forget I even have them. Where do you get those little comb thingies? The thing you can stick cards in? I don't know what they are called, but have always wanted one or some?
So pretty - I love the things you have around you. I love the colors in your creating space, too.Hope you have a great day.:)
Oh! I just love all of it! Really, you have such an "eye" for things. I wish you could come to my house and help me with displaying my stuff!! LOL!!
Great photos! I'd never want to leave that room. :-)
I just bought a couple of those flower frog thingies for photo/postcard displays, too! I was very happy to stumble on them the other week at a flea market...and just remembered I took photos and never posted...thanks for the reminder! ;-)
Not a bit boring- Inspiring!
P.S. Love all the photos!
That was a wonderful little tour. I am a banner gal, and I LOVE your "create" banner. How inspiring!
I am very very jealous!
Love the pixs. The ones of the fabric are so pretty. I think I would feel very crafty in that area.
Cherry, I love it!!
I would love to be surrounded by all those things! I love the collection of white containers to hold your pens and such. So cute!
You have so much to look at! I am envious of your paper talent, but I am practicing and continue to be inspired by your crafts. I love the way you think out of the box! Smiles, Paula
I love the craft room. I wish that I could sew-then i could collect all that beautiful fabric, and actually do something constructive with it! I wish that my craft room was as clean and "crafty as yours!
Always, inspired as usual!
I LOVE your creative space, it looks so inviting and inspiring :)! Your banner is gorgeous, and the word "create" is perfect. Love the word flash cards you have too, I collect them also! Got about 25 or so this past weekend on my junk trip--you'll have to check out the blog this week to see pics. Thanks for showing us your lovely space!
What lovely things you have around you. No wonder you have so much creativity. :-)
I love your crafting space full of those wonderful treasures. Your banner is super. Thanks for revealing where your lovely creations begin.
That stack of fabrics set my heart a flutter! Loved your pictures today!
Hi Cherry,
Love your puppy valentine card :)
It was fun seeing your "space". Mine is still a work in progress..and not sure when it will get done. A girl can dream.
Warmly, Deb
Great job on that banner! I LOVE paper crafts!!!! I like all those tickets you have and that September card....gives me an idea.
Fun pictures Cherry!!
I love your space around you.
What a great place!.
Have a wonderful evening,
I love your motto CREATE! very inspiring :0)
I love it! I am trying to get my craft room together! Thanks for the inspiration! I needed it! Julie
Love your creating space! How neat you have made it for you. The banner is lovely!
Your area is definitely inspirational! and since I can't have you come to my house, I have tagged you. Jackie
I really love your "create" banner. It is beautiful and inspiring at the same time. Your space is alive with color and lovely things!
That banner is fabulous. I love it. Where did you find those heart pins? They are adorable on that little tag. I am waiting, not very patiently, for the basement to be done because my craft room's down there! And most of my stuff is still in boxes! Sigh. Mimi
I love all those bits and pieces of your space. So cute.
By the way, what beautiful pictures. What kind of camera and how do you take them to make them so great? Mimi again
I love that CREATE banner. You attention to detail is amazing and what a beautiful place to spend time. I would never leave if I were you! LOVE IT!
My had is spinning from all the goodness!
Thanks for the glimpse. :)
Thanks for the peek at your fun space!!
Ahhh...I love seeing where people sit when they blog. I think it says a lot about someone, so its fun to see what you choose to surround yourself with. Such pretty photos, and I especially love the pillows. They look soft and inviting to plop on! :)
Fun, fun, fun. Thank you for sharing where you blog.
I couldn't find your e-mail address, so I hope you see this comment. THANK YOU for letting me know I was inspired by you. I actually went through some of your posts thinking it was you, but I couldn't find it. I have edited my post to MAKE SURE people know of your genius inspiration. I'm sorry for the oversight--it certainly wasn't intentional!
You are so funny! Your 2nd comment made me laugh! Hope your day is going GREAT! Off to a good start with coffee in hand here!!!
I love where I sit at the computer. It's on my laptop in my kitchen. My favorite part is that I can look out my window - watch the hummingbirds fight with each other over which ONE of them can drink through one of the four spouts. I like to watch the trees - especially when there is a breeze. It's pretty cool to see what everyone needs for comfort.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog today - and in my rampant curiosity - I'd love to know how you found me!
I LOVE looking around at all of your treasures!! Nothing boring about it at all...always enjoy your posts!!!
I hope you don't mind, but my sister and I copied your cute fall plaque project and I posted a link to you on my blog.
What delicious pictures! That banner is so cute.
What an inspiring room....I would love to work in there all day....such beautiful things to admire!
Well I am most certainly with you on being "a work in progress." So much so that that is what I chose to name my blog:) Your "create" space looks awesome!
hello friend..I throughly enjoyed looking at all this fantastic inspiration & eyecandy! lol I think it is wonderful that you surround yourself with things that give you that great comfort zone...take care and have a great week!
you definatley inspire me. i look here almost everyday for new inspiration! keep it up!
I love all your pictures; they are both beautiful and inspiring! I especially love your "Create" banner, with all the sweet details you added!
Visiting your blog really does always leave me with a smile on my face, and my imagination whirling! :)
Have a good night! :)
Love, love, love all your pictures. Very colorful and inspiring. Absolutely beautiful!
Lani @ Cottage Elements
wow , so many posts -- but i had to comment -as I read your blog daily -- It is the little touches -
that make your space so dear --
the cherry pencils --the frogs with fav pics -- I love all that also - I am truly messy and continue to sort --but i also must have things around me things tha make me smile -give me a remembrance or remind me of a friend -- kathy - GA
Cherry- thank you!! Thank you for the link to that online scrapbook store. I bought that paper last night. I was so excited. :o)
To answer your question...I found those little wood things at Michaels hanging in bags in the wood section. What I bought was very small. Like 3 inches tall? The bags were green, I think? I found some bigger ones at Hobby Lobby that I like better, though. I hope that helps you!
Cherry, all those pics are very pretty, I can see why you are inspired in there!
Love your space and may have to steal your post idea. Looks like a cheery, creative and happy space.
OMG....chris from just a girl was right....you are a genius....Love your blog...you have a wonderful sense of style....cant' wait to come back
Just found your blog and love, love, love, it!
I also love your banner! I am haveing a autumn banner giveaway, so come over and check it out.
Those pictures are just delightful! I just love creative things like what you're showing.
You have the best ideas and show them off so well with yur beautiful photos.
Love it, Love it ALL!!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Loved all the pictures, I just have one question, I would like to know where you got the pencils with cherries on them, I love them and want them, hehehe, Diana
You have made me totally want to branch out past cards and into more detailed artistic altering. You do amazing work!
Even your personal space is cute and crafty and fun to look at!
I am one with you on the crafty chaos! Have a great day!
Your blog is incredibly inspiring!
I used to have my own craft room, until baby number yhree came along. Oh, well. The older girls will be off to college in a few years, so maybe I can get my room back then.
What a wonderful space for yourself.
I could steel almost everything in those pictures! LOVE IT! Glad I don't know where you live! ;D
Kidding! Sort of!
You've got some really neat and fun stuff -- very eclectic, but in a good way! I love the old calendar the best, I think.
I like the angles you use for your pictures...and am envious of your very own "creating" room! Someday... =)
I change my craft room every few weeks depending on what I want close to me. It is however just like you said, we surround ourselves with things that inspire us and make us happy. You have a very happy craft room!
There are so many rich colors and textures to inspire you!
Wow - IS all of this in your home or did you take these pictures at a store?????
Want to come decorate my spare room? I'll bake you some coookiiieeees! ;)
Love the photos. Thank you for sharing them!
Have a blessed, chaotically creative weekend!
I love your creative space! So cool...I notice that little mini Jenni Bowlin Calendar Card! I LOVE those!!!
Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your little nest. It sounds like a slice of heaven. I have a similar nest, not as cute as yours, though!
I WANT to live at YOUR house! I will be visiting your blog daily...do you mind if I add it to my favorites list? Hope not!
I want a craft room (said in whiney toddler voice)...instead I have a playroom. :(
What a beautiful space! Our computer is in the "office", which is presently more like a storage room while we wait for our basement to be finished. I can't even get to the computer right now, so I work on a laptop. In the living room. In front of the TV. With the kids nearby. Makes things difficult. I like your space much better!
My "office" is a mess. There's crap everywhere and no organization or FLAIR. I think I'll move it up on my list to get it done!
Aside from all the cool stuff, you're photos are great too. Just the angles and perspectives, surrounding yourself with all these things, I can understand your inspirations.
You have a great eye for color; I love the way you see things.
Happy SITS day!
What lovely photos of lovely things in a lovely space. It looks like you have inspiration all around you! Congrats on your feature today!
There should totally be a superhero named after you. You can make anything look good!
I have just ordered some vinyl lettering of "Create" to put up in my "craft" room. Mine is a little out of control at the moment but oh well! I LOVE yours!
I quite enjoy your photography.
so...can you just come over to my house and help me decorate??? lol. verrrry cute blog! Thanks for being willing to share your ideas!!! Congrats on being a FB for today!
Love the fabrics & papers!
Those big eyed dogs are kind of creepy looking. :)
What a beautiful font. I am so inspired.
may I please come over and play ...
I just love looking at your pictures! I wish I was as creatively organized as you :)
Tiffany hit the nail on the head - vintage deliciousness!!!
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